"To make Italian the language of play. Heavily based on code written by Massimo Stella. Now maintained by Leonardo Boselli. Requires 'Text Capture' by Eric Eve."
Includes and Included by are omitted for modules with errors
There's a problem in Inform's linguistic grammar, which is probably set by a translation extension. The problem occurs in the definition of : nonterminal internal in one definition and regular in another.
There's a problem in Inform's linguistic grammar, which is probably set by a translation extension. The problem occurs in the definition of : nonterminal internal in one definition and regular in another. In Volume 3 - Responses, Part 3.4 - The bibliographical data in the extension Italian Language by Massimo Stella:
In the sentence 'Section 3.4.1 - The bibliographical data (in place of Section SR2/6a - Unindexed Standard Rules variables - Unindexed in Standard Rules by Graham Nelson)' italian language by massimo stella, it looks as if you intend to replace a section of source text from the extension 'Standard Rules by Graham Nelson', but that extension does not seem to have any heading called 'Section SR2/6a - Unindexed Standard Rules variables - Unindexed'. (The version I loaded was 6.)
Include Italian Language by Massimo Stella.
(The documentation of this extension is written in italian) Chapter: Indirizzi utili L'estensione è stata scritta da Massimo Stella, con il contributo di Tristano Ajmone. Leonardo Boselli sta curando la manutenzione dell'estensione e la traduzione delle estensioni più utili già disponibili. Per qualsiasi domanda è possibile contattare l'autore all'indirizzo email: leonardo.boselli@istruzione.it L'estensione "Italian Language" e i suoi futuri aggiornamenti sono disponibili all'indirizzo (attenzione allo spazio tra nome e cognome): https://github.com/i7/extensions/tree/master/Massimo Stella Le estensioni inglesi tradotte in italiano e i loro futuri aggiornamenti sono reperibili all'indirizzo (anche qui attenzione allo spazio): https://github.com/i7/extensions/tree/master/Leonardo Boselli Chapter: Introduzione L'estensione "Italian Language" trasforma la lingua dell'interfaccia di gioco di un'avventura scritta con Inform 7 dall'inglese all'italiano. In realtà, non solo la lingua con cui il giocatore interagirà con il gioco diviene l'italiano, ma anche il linguaggio di programmazione vero e proprio potrebbe diventare, in alcuni aspetti, l'italiano. Per il momento la documentazione tratterà parzialmente di quest'ultima possibilità, visto che, almeno in questa fase, è secondaria. Chapter: Installare l'estensione Per installare l'estensione in Inform 7 è sufficiente scaricare il file "Italian Language.i7x" dall'indirizzo sopra specificato, eseguire Inform 7 e selezionare la voce di menù File>Install Extension. Una volta eseguita questa operazione, non è più necessario effettuarla successivamente, a meno di non voler installare degli aggiornamenti. Per includere l'estensione e utilizzarla nelle proprie avventure NON bisogna scrivere nel sorgente la seguente linea (come invece si usa per le altre estensioni): Include Italian Language by Massimo Stella. Questa inclusione causa un crash del programma dovuto, non si sa bene perché, alla definizione degli aggettivi. Invece, occorre specificare, dopo titolo e autore, che l'avventura è in italiano. Per esempio: "Aladino e le Perle di Saggezza" by Leonardo Boselli (in Italian) A questo punto è possibile proseguire la scrittura del programma utilizzando tutte le funzionalità che supportano la lingua italiana. Chapter: I comandi Qual è il primo effetto dell'inclusione? Tutti i comandi più comuni che un giocatore può voler utilizzare in un'avventura testuale possono essere impartiti in lingua italiana. Per esempio, si può utilizzare "prendi" invece di "take" e così via. In ogni caso, i comandi in inglese e le normali abbreviazioni sono comunque disponibili. Per esempio, si può usare "x", invece di "esamina", per ottenere l'elenco degli oggetti in possesso del giocatore, o "l" invece di "look" (ma anche "g" invece di "guarda"), per visualizzare la descrizione della stanza in cui si trova il giocatore e così via. I comandi che implicano l'uso di uno o più oggetti, come "apri la gabbia con la chiave", possono essere abbreviati, "apri gabbia con chiave", perdendo gli articoli (ciò deve avvenire per tutti gli articoli presenti, altrimenti il comando non viene compreso). Le preposizioni articolate sono correttamente riconosciute, quindi è corretto scrivere "metti la penna sul tavolo", ma viene accettato anche "metti penna su tavolo". Chapter: Le risposte Qual è il secondo effetto dell'inclusione? Anche le risposte (automatiche) ai comandi più comuni risultano tradotte in italiano. Chapter: Creare testi Naturalmente un'avventura che si limiti ai comportamenti di base è davvero poco interessante. Un autore deve scrivere molti messaggi in risposta alle varie azioni del giocatore. La release 6L02 (e presumibilmente anche le successive) prevede gli "adaptive text", cioè testi che, scritti in un modo particolare, si adattano a varie situazioni, come diversi punti di vista o differenti tempi verbali. Section: Articoli e preposizioni articolate L'estensione definisce gli articoli italiani e le preposizioni articolate. Per ottenerli è sufficiente descrivere un oggetto in questo modo: The gabbie is a plural-named feminine gender container. The sedia is a feminine gender supporter. Ma anche (sfruttando alcune caratteristiche avanzate già implementate): The gabbie (f) are a plural-named container. The sedia (f) is a supporter. o addirittura: La sedia is a supporter. "Plural-named" serve per specificare che il nome è plurale (il default è singolare) e "feminine gender" specifica il femminile (il default è il maschile). Quest'ultima locuzione può essere abbreviata con una "f" tra parentesi subito dopo il nome a cui si riferisce. A questo punto, i seguenti testi generano i risultati riportati a fianco: "vedo [the sedia] e [the gabbie]" (vedo la sedia e le gabbie) "vedo [a sedia] e [some gabbie]" (vedo una sedia e delle gabbie) "le sbarre [dip the gabbie]" (le sbarre delle gabbie) "[ap the gabbie]" (alle gabbie) "uscire [dap the gabbie]" (uscire dalle gabbie) "mettere [inp the gabbie]" (mettere nelle gabbie) "[conp the gabbie]" (con le gabbie) "[sup the gabbie]" (sulle gabbie) "[perp the gabbie]" (per le gabbie) "[trap the gabbie]" (tra le gabbie) "[frap the gabbie]" (fra le gabbie) Questi non sono esempi molto significativi, perché un autore avrebbe potuto scrivere direttamente il testo corrispondente, ma spesso non si conosce in anticipo il nome dell'oggetto sul quale il comando è applicato, come in questo caso: Instead of entering a container (called contenitore): say "Non puoi entrare [inp the contenitore] perché è proibito." Quando il giocatore ordinerà "entra nelle gabbie", la risposta sarà "Non puoi entrare nelle gabbie perché è proibito", ma la risposta a "entra in acqua" (se "acqua" fosse definita come un oggetto contenitore di genere femminile) sarà "Non puoi entrare nell'aqua perché è proibito". In questo consiste la potenza degli "adaptive texts". Section: Il punto di vista e i tempi verbali Normalmente un'avventura testuale risponde ai comandi riferendosi al giocatore (o meglio, al suo personaggio) con la seconda persona singolare e declinando i verbi al tempo presente, come è stato fatto negli esempi precedenti. Ora questo comportamento può essere cambiato. Nel proprio programma si può scrivere: When play begins: now the story viewpoint is second person plural; now the story tense is past tense. Quel "second person plural" significa che il programma non darà del "tu" al giocatore, ma del "voi". Ci sono situazioni in cui questa possibilità, per quanto insolita, potrebbe tornare utile. Ovviamente si potrebbe specificare una qualunque delle tre persone singolari o delle tre plurali, e ciò può essere anche cambiato nel corso del gioco. Inoltre, quel "past tense" significa che i tempi verbali verranno declinati al passato e non al presente, ma si potrebbe specificare anche una terza possibilità, e cioè il "future tense". Come si può sfruttare questa funzionalità? È sufficiente che nei testi tra virgolette si utilizzino dei costrutti particolari quando ci si riferisce al giocatore, sempre utilizzando (per quanto riguarda l'italiano) la seconda persona singolare. Riproponendo l'esempio precedente: Instead of entering a container (called contenitore): say "[Tu] non [puoi] entrare [inp the contenitore] perché [sei] [infetto]." Cosa verrebbe risposto al comando "entra nelle gabbie" con il tempo al futuro e la seconda persona plurale? Voi non potrete entrare nelle gabbie perché saranno infette. Invece cosa verrebbe risposto al comando "entra in acqua" con il tempo al passato e la prima persona singolare? Io non potevo entrare nell'acqua perché era infetta. Prima di analizzare l'esempio nel dettaglio, bisogna specificare che gli esempi non funzionerebbero così come sono con l'estensione "Italian Language", perché l'aggettivo "infetto" è ignoto al sistema. Ci sono molti verbi e aggettivi predefiniti (vedi sezione 3.1.1 -- si tratta di verbi e aggettivi utili per le risposte standard), ma "infetto" non è uno di questi. Per aggiungerlo alla lista, basta inserire nel proprio programma le linee: In italian infetto is an adjective. Passiamo ora ad analizzare i vari "adaptive texts" presenti nell'esempio. "Tu": si adatta con lo "story viewpoint" specificato (nell'esempio diventa perciò "Voi" e "Io" a seconda dei casi). Altre particelle disponibili sono "tu" (per il minuscolo), "te", "ti" ecc. "puoi": si adatta con lo "story viewpoint" (poiché segue il "Tu") e con lo "story tense". Può essere utilizzato perché il verbo "potere" (così come tanti altri -- vedi sezione 3.1.1) è definito nell'estensione. "sei": si comporta come "puoi", ma non segue il numero del "Tu", ma quello del contenitore, perchè la locuzione "[inp the contenitore]" lo precede. Se non fosse stato così, si sarebbe potuto specificare prima del verbo "[regarding the contenitore]", che di per sé non stampa nulla sullo schermo, ma fa comprendere al sistema qual è il soggetto implicito. Nel caso il soggetto fosse stato il giocatore, sarebbe bastato scrivere "[regarding the player]". Tutto ciò che segue il "regarding" si accorda col numero e il genere dell'oggetto specificato, finché non si specifica un nuovo "regarding" oppure un nuovo nome, sempre tra parentesi quadre. Ovviamente quel soggetto (Tu) a inizio frase suona piuttosto innaturale. Per toglierlo si può procedere in questo modo: Instead of entering a container (called contenitore): say "Non [regarding the player][puoi] entrare [inp the contenitore] perché [sei] [infetto]." Dato che il "Tu" è sparito, occorre specificare chi è il soggetto con "regarding the player", mentre il "[sei] [infetto]" si riferisce sempre al contenitore. Inoltre, se la prima parola del testo non fosse "Non" (già maiuscolo), ma direttamente il verbo "puoi", non funzionerebbe scrivere: say "[regarding the player][Puoi] entrare...". perché il "puoi" verrebbe comunque stampato minuscolo. Perché? L'unica spiegazione che mi sono dato per una mancanza simile è che in inglese un verbo è sempre preceduto dal soggetto, e quindi, probabilmente, il programmatore di Inform 7 non ha pensato che per le altre lingue sarebbe stato utile prevedere un diverso comportamento che tenesse conto della maiuscola. Cosa possiamo fare? Purtroppo l'unico modo è ricorrere all'estensione "Text Capture", che viene inclusa automaticamente. Serve per leggere un testo prima che venga stampato per elaborarlo e, solo alla fine, mostrarlo sullo schermo. Per l'autore di avventure, ciò non comporta grandi disagi. È sufficiente ricordarsi di scrivere il testo in questo modo: say "[regarding the player][maiuscolo][puoi][maiuscolo] entrare...". La frase che deve essere scritta con l'iniziale maiuscola va contornata da due "maiuscolo". Chapter: Scrittura del codice sorgente in italiano Questa estensione consente anche di scrivere una parte del codice sorgente in italiano. Più sopra si è già mostrato l'uso degli articoli italiani per specificare genere e numero di un nome. Si può fare di più. Per esempio: La cucina è una stanza. La credenza è un contenitore dentro la cucina. Il tavolo è un supporto dentro la cucina. Il piatto è una cosa sopra il tavolo. Le tazze sono una cosa sopra il tavolo. L' armadio è una cosa dentro la cucina. L' arancia (f) è una cosa sopra il tavolo. Da notare lo spazio necessario tra l'articolo apostrofato e il nome a cui si riferisce (armadio o arancia): se non ci fosse, "l'armadio" verrebbe considerato come un'unica parola. Inoltre, nel caso secondo caso (arancia), è necessario specificare che si tratta di una cosa di genere femminile mediante la "f" tra parentesi, altrimenti il sistema non avrebbe modo di dedurlo dal solo articolo apostrofato. Nella sezione è possibile leggere l'elenco completo dei tipi disponibili tradotti dall'inglese in italiano. Mentre l'elenco dei verbi disponibili è nelle sezioni 2.4.3 e del sorgente dell'estensione. Chapter: Conclusione Queste sono solo alcune note utili per comprendere il funzionamento dell'estensione e dei nuovi meccanismi che riguardano gli "adaptive texts". Per approfondire, è utile leggere il sorgente dell'estensione che mostra in se stesso numerosi esempi di come possa essere utilizzata. Per segnalare bug, porre qualsiasi domanda e avere chiarimenti, potete contattare l'autore all'indirizzo: leonardo.boselli@istruzione.it
Version 3/171001 of Italian Language by Massimo Stella begins here. "To make Italian the language of play. Heavily based on code written by Massimo Stella. Now maintained by Leonardo Boselli. Requires 'Text Capture' by Eric Eve." Include Text Capture by Eric Eve. Include Punctuation Removal by Emily Short. After reading a command: remove apostrophes; Volume 1 - Settings [A language extension is required to set the following variable correctly:] The language of play is the Italian language. [The following only needs to be done for inflected languages which distinguish the genders -- which is why English doesn't do it.] An object has a grammatical gender. [Inform initialises this property sensibly. We can easily check the results: When play begins: repeat with T running through things: say "[T] has [grammatical gender of T]." By default, if Inform can't see any reason to choose a particular gender, it will use neuter. We want to change that:] The grammatical gender of an object is usually masculine gender. The grammatical gender of a woman is usually feminine gender. The grammatical gender of a man is usually masculine gender. [Now we define any unusual tenses we want to support. Inform allows up to 7 tenses, and it requires tenses 1 to 5 to be present, past, perfect, past perfect, and future; English stops there, but two slots are left free for other languages to create. ] The past historic tense is a grammatical tense. [It's customary to define a constant so that I6 code can conditionally compile if we're using this extension, though nothing in the I7 compiler needs it.] Include (- Constant LIBRARY_ITALIAN; ! for dependency checking. -) Volume 2 - Language Part 2.1 - Determiners Chapter 2.1.1 - Articles To say il/lo/la/i/gli/le/l' (O - object): say "[the O]". To say Il/Lo/La/I/Gli/Le/L' (O - object): say "[The O]". To say un/un'/uno/una/dei/degli/delle/alcuni/alcune (O - object): say "[a O]". To say Un/Un'/Uno/Una/Dei/Degli/Delle/Alcuni/Alcune (O - object): say "[A O]". Include (- language Italian <indefinite-article> ::= /b/ un/uno | [singular, masculine] /c/ una/un' | [singular, feminine] /e/ degli/dei/alcuni | [plural, masculine (by default)] /f/ delle/alcune [plural, feminine] <definite-article> ::= /b/ il/lo/l' | [singular, masculine] /c/ la/l' | [singular, feminine] /e/ gli/i | [plural, masculine (by default)] /f/ le [plural, feminine] <np-relative-phrase-implicit> ::= /a/ indossato | [replacing "worn" in English] /b/ portato | ["carried"] /d/ qui ["here"] <implicit-player-relationship> ::= /a/ indossato | /b/ portato -) in the Preform grammar. [ Qui sotto iniziano le modifiche all'estensione di personale iniziativa dell'autore. ] Include (- Constant LanguageAnimateGender = male; Constant LanguageInanimateGender = male; Constant LanguageContractionForms = 3; ! Italian has three: [ LanguageContraction text; if (text->0 == 'a' or 'e' or 'i' or 'o' or 'u' or 'A' or 'E' or 'I' or 'O' or 'U') return 0; if (text->0 == 'z' or 'Z' or 'x' or 'X') return 1; if (text->0 == 's' or 'S') { if (text->1 == 'a' or 'e' or 'i' or 'o' or 'u' or 'A' or 'E' or 'I' or 'O' or 'U') return 2; return 1; } if (text->0 == 'p' or 'P') { if (text->1 == 's' or 'S') return 1; else return 2; } if (text->0 == 'g' or 'G') { if (text->1 == 'n' or 'N') return 1; else return 2; } return 2; ]; Array LanguageArticles --> ! Contraction form 0: Contraction form 1: Contraction form 2: ! Cdef Def Indef Cdef Def Indef Cdef Def Indef "L'" "l'" "un " "Lo " "lo " "uno " "Il " "il " "un " "L'" "l'" "un'" "La " "la " "una " "La " "la " "una " "Gli " "gli " "degli " "Gli " "gli " "degli " "I " "i " "dei " "Le " "le " "delle " "Le " "le " "delle " "Le " "le " "delle "; ! a i ! s p s p ! m f n m f n m f n m f n Array LanguageGNAsToArticles --> 0 1 0 2 3 2 0 1 0 2 3 2; -) instead of "Articles" in "Language.i6t". [??? Array LanguageGNAsToArticles --> 0 1 0 2 3 0 0 1 0 2 3 0;] Chapter 2.1.2 - Numbers [ BUG: Nella Preform Grammar l'aggiunta del numero "sei" genera un grave conflitto con la seconda persona singolare al presente del verbo "essere". Per tale motivo "sei" è escluso dalla lista. ] Include (- language Italian <cardinal-number-in-words> ::= zero | un/uno | due | tre | quattro | cinque | sette | otto | nove | dieci | undici | dodici | tredici | quattordici | quindici | sedici | diciassette | diciotto | diciannove | venti <ordinal-number-in-words> ::= zero | primo | secondo | terzo | quarto | quinto | sesto | settimo | ottavo | nono | decimo | undicesimo | dodicesimo -) in the Preform grammar. Include (- Array LanguageNumbers table 'uno' 1 'un' 1 'due' 2 'tre' 3 'quattro' 4 'cinque' 5 'sei' 6 'sette' 7 'otto' 8 'nove' 9 'dieci' 10 'undici' 11 'dodici' 12 'tredici' 13 'quattordici' 14 'quindici' 15 'sedici' 16 'diciassette' 17 'diciotto' 18 'diciannove' 19 'venti' 20 'ventuno' 21 'ventidue' 22 'ventitré' 23 'ventiquattro' 24 'venticinque' 25 'ventisei' 26 'ventisette' 27 'ventotto' 28 'ventinove' 29 'trenta' 30 ; [ LanguageNumber n f; if (n==0) { print "zero"; rfalse; } if (n<0) { print "meno "; n=-n; } #Iftrue (WORDSIZE == 4); if (n >= 1000000000) { if (f == 1) print ", "; if (n<2000000000) print "un miliardo"; if (n>=2000000000) print (LanguageNumber) n/1000000000, " miliardi"; n = n%1000000000; f = 1; } if (n >= 1000000) { if (f == 1) print ", "; if (n<2000000) print "un milione"; if (n>=2000000) print (LanguageNumber) n/1000000, " milioni"; n = n%1000000; f = 1; } #Endif; if (n >= 1000) { if (f == 1) print ", "; if (n<2000) print "mille"; if (n>=2000) print (LanguageNumber) n/1000, "mila"; n = n%1000; f = 0; } if (n>=100) { if (f==1) print ", "; if (n<200) print "cento"; if (n>=200) print (LanguageNumber) n/100, "cento"; n=n%100; f=1; } if (n==0) rfalse; switch(n) { 1: print "uno"; 2: print "due"; 3: print "tre"; 4: print "quattro"; 5: print "cinque"; 6: print "sei"; 7: print "sette"; 8: print "otto"; 9: print "nove"; 10: print "dieci"; 11: print "undici"; 12: print "dodici"; 13: print "tredici"; 14: print "quattordici"; 15: print "quindici"; 16: print "sedici"; 17: print "diciassette"; 18: print "diciotto"; 19: print "diciannove"; 20 to 99: switch(n/10) { 2: print "vent"; if (n%10 == 0) {print "i"; return; } if (n%10 == 1) {print "uno"; return; } if (n%10 == 3) {print "itré"; return; } if (n%10 > 1) {print "i"; LanguageNumber(n%10); return; } 3: print "trent"; if (n%10 == 1) {print "uno"; return; } if (n%10 == 3) {print "atré"; return; } 4: print "quarant"; if (n%10 == 1) {print "uno"; return; } if (n%10 == 3) {print "atré"; return; } 5: print "cinquant"; if (n%10 == 1) {print "uno"; return; } if (n%10 == 3) {print "atré"; return; } 6: print "sessant"; if (n%10 == 1) {print "uno"; return; } if (n%10 == 3) {print "atré"; return; } 7: print "settant"; if (n%10 == 1) {print "uno"; return; } if (n%10 == 3) {print "atré"; return; } 8: print "ottant"; if (n%10 == 1) {print "uno"; return; } if (n%10 == 3) {print "atré"; return; } 9: print "novant"; if (n%10 == 1) {print "uno"; return; } if (n%10 == 3) {print "atré"; return; } } if (n%10 ~= 0) { print "a"; LanguageNumber(n%10); } } ]; -) instead of "Numbers" in "Language.i6t". Part 2.2 - Nouns Chapter 2.2.2 - Pronouns and possessives for the player [The adaptive text viewpoint is the viewpoint of the player when we are writing response texts which need to work in any tense, person or number. For example, English uses first person plural, so we write "[We] [look] up." as a message which could come out as "I look up", "you look up", "he looks up", and so on. It's "[We]" not "[You]" because the adaptive text viewpoint is first person plural, not second person singular. The reason for choosing this in English was that all the pronouns and possessive adjectives we needed happened to be different for first person plural: we, us, ours, ourselves, our. We also need these pronouns to be other than third-person, so that we can define [they], [them] and so on to refer to objects and not the player. So in practice there are only four possible choices a language extension can make: first person singular (in English: I, me, mine, myself, my) second person plural (in English: you, you, yours, yourself, your) first person singular (in English: we, us, ours, ourselves, our) second person plural (in English: you, you, yours, yourself, your) ] The adaptive text viewpoint of the Italian language is second person singular. [So now we define the following text substitutions: [tu], [ti], [te], [tuo],[tua],[lo] and their capitalised forms, which start with "T" not "t".] To say tu: now the prior named object is the player; if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "io"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "tu"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: if the player is male: say "egli"; otherwise: say "ella"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "noi"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "voi"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: if the player is male: say "essi"; otherwise: say "esse". To say ti: if the prior named object is not the player: say "si"; otherwise: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "mi"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "ti"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: say "si"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "ci"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "vi"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "si". [Un'altra forma utile è il suffisso con valore di complemento oggetto -lo] To say lo: if the prior named object is male: if the prior named object is singular-named: say "lo"; otherwise: say "li"; otherwise if the prior named object is female: if the prior named object is singular-named: say "la"; otherwise: say "le". To say te: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "me"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "te"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: if the player is male: say "lui"; otherwise: say "lei"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "noi"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "voi"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "loro". To say tuo: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: if the prior named object is plural-named: if the prior named object is male: say "miei"; otherwise: say "mie"; otherwise: if the prior named object is male: say "mio"; otherwise: say "mia"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: if the prior named object is plural-named: if the prior named object is male: say "tuoi"; otherwise: say "tue"; otherwise: if the prior named object is male: say "tuo"; otherwise: say "tua"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: if the prior named object is plural-named: if the prior named object is male: say "suoi"; otherwise: say "sue"; otherwise: if the prior named object is male: say "suo"; otherwise: say "sua"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: if the prior named object is plural-named: if the prior named object is male: say "nostri"; otherwise: say "nostre"; otherwise: if the prior named object is male: say "nostro"; otherwise: say "nostra"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: if the prior named object is plural-named: if the prior named object is male: say "vostri"; otherwise: say "vostre"; otherwise: if the prior named object is male: say "vostro"; otherwise: say "vostra"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "loro". [In Italiano tuo/suo... seguono per la concordanza elementi che nel corso del periodo li seguono, pertanto la costruzione originale con il prior named object risulta farraginosa. In generale nei responsi la forma più usata è al femminile singolare, da cui la defizione di tua.] To say tua: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "mia"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "tua"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: say "sua"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "nostra"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "vostra"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "loro". To say Tua: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "Mia"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "Tua"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: say "Sua"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "Nostra"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "Vostra"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "Loro". [And now the capitalised forms, which are identical otherwise.] To say Tu: now the prior named object is the player; if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "Io"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "Tu"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: if the player is male: say "Egli"; otherwise: say "Ella"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "Noi"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "Voi"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: if the player is male: say "Essi"; otherwise: say "Esse". To say Ti: if the prior named object is not the player: say "Si"; otherwise: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "Mi"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "Ti"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: say "Si"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "Ci"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "Vi"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "Si". To say Te: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "Me"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "Te"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: if the player is male: say "Lui"; otherwise: say "Lei"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "Noi"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "Voi"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "Loro". [] To say Tuo: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: if the prior named object is plural-named: if the prior named object is male: say "Miei"; otherwise: say "Mie"; otherwise: if the prior named object is male: say "Mio"; otherwise: say "Mia"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: if the prior named object is plural-named: if the prior named object is male: say "Tuoi"; otherwise: say "Tue"; otherwise: if the prior named object is male: say "Tuo"; otherwise: say "Tua"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: if the prior named object is plural-named: if the prior named object is male: say "Suoi"; otherwise: say "Sue"; otherwise: if the prior named object is male: say "Suo"; otherwise: say "Sua"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: if the prior named object is plural-named: if the prior named object is male: say "Nostri"; otherwise: say "Nostre"; otherwise: if the prior named object is male: say "Nostro"; otherwise: say "Nostra"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: if the prior named object is plural-named: if the prior named object is male: say "Vostri"; otherwise: say "Vostre"; otherwise: if the prior named object is male: say "Vostro"; otherwise: say "Vostra"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "Loro". Chapter 2.2.3 - Pronouns and possessives for other objects [These are similar, but easier. They are named from the third-person viewpoint with the same number as the adaptive text viewpoint. We define: [che] = that [essi] = it as subject [le] = it as object [suo] = its as adjective, e.g., "its temperature" [il suo] = its as possessive pronoun, e.g., "that label is its" and similarly for its capitalised forms.] To say che: let the item be the prior named object; if the item is the player: say "[te]"; otherwise: say "che". To say essi: let the item be the prior named object; if the item is the player: say "[tu]"; otherwise: if the item is plural-named: if the item is male: say "essi"; otherwise: say "esse"; otherwise: if the item is male: say "egli"; otherwise: say "ella". To say le: let the item be the prior named object; if the item is the player: say "[te]"; otherwise: if the item is plural-named: if the item is male: say "gli"; otherwise: say "le"; otherwise: if the item is male: say "lui"; otherwise: say "lei". To say suo: let the item be the prior named object; if the item is the player: say "[tuo]"; otherwise: if the item is plural-named: say "loro"; otherwise: if the item is male: say "suo"; otherwise: say "sua". To say sua-loro: let the item be the prior named object; if the item is plural-named: say "loro"; otherwise: say "sua". To say il suo: let the item be the prior named object; if the item is plural-named: if the item is male: say "i loro"; otherwise: say "le loro"; otherwise: if the item is male: say "il suo"; otherwise: say "la sua". [ Here are the capitalized forms. ] To say Che: let the item be the prior named object; if the item is the player: say "[Te]"; otherwise: say "Che". To say Essi: let the item be the prior named object; if the item is the player: say "[Tu]"; otherwise: if the item is plural-named: if the item is male: say "Essi"; otherwise: say "Esse"; otherwise: if the item is male: say "Egli"; otherwise: say "Ella". To say Le: let the item be the prior named object; if the item is the player: say "[Te]"; otherwise: if the item is plural-named: if the item is male: say "Gli"; otherwise: say "Le"; otherwise: if the item is male: say "Lui"; otherwise: say "Lei". To say Suo: let the item be the prior named object; if the item is the player: say "[Tuo]"; otherwise: if the item is plural-named: say "Loro"; otherwise: if the item is male: say "Suo"; otherwise: say "Sua". To say Sua-loro: let the item be the prior named object; if the item is plural-named: say "Loro"; otherwise: say "Sua". To say Il Suo: let the item be the prior named object; if the item is plural-named: if the item is male: say "I loro"; otherwise: say "Le loro"; otherwise: if the item is male: say "Il suo"; otherwise: say "La sua". Chapter 2.2.4 - Directions [&&& North translates into Italian as nord. South translates into Italian as sud. East translates into Italian as est. West translates into Italian as ovest. Northeast translates into Italian as nordest. Southwest translates into Italian as sudovest. Southeast translates into Italian as sudest. Northwest translates into Italian as nordovest. Inside translates into Italian as dentro. Outside translates into Italian as fuori. Up translates into Italian as su. Down translates into Italian as giù. &&&] Up is proper-named. Down is proper-named. Inside is proper-named. Outside is proper-named. [&&& Chapter 2.2.5 - Kinds Section - In the Standard Rules [One day we will also want to translate the names of more abstract kinds, but for now, we'll just translate kinds of objects. This ensures that if we write: Quatre hommes sont dans la Théâtre. then (a) Inform will recognise these as instances of the kind "man", and (b) it will give them each the printed name "homme" (not "man"). ] room translates into Italian as stanza. thing translates into Italian as cosa. door translates into Italian as porta. container translates into Italian as contenitore. vehicle translates into Italian as veicolo. player's holdall translates into Italian as inventario. the plural of inventario is inventari. supporter translates into Italian as supporto. backdrop translates into Italian as fondale. person translates into Italian as persona. man translates into Italian as uomo. the plural of uomo is uomini. woman translates into Italian as donna. animal translates into Italian as animale. device translates into Italian as dispositivo. direction translates into Italian as direzione. region translates into Italian as regione. contenitore aperto is a kind of container. It is usually open. contenitore chiuso is a kind of container. It is usually closed. contenitore aperto chiudibile is a kind of container. It is usually open and openable. contenitore chiuso apribile is a kind of container. It is usually closed and openable. contenitore bloccato apribile is a kind of container. It is usually locked and openable. contenitore aperto bloccabile is a kind of container. It is usually open and lockable. contenitore accessibile is a kind of container. It is usually enterable. contenitore aperto accessibile is a kind of container. It is usually open and enterable. contenitore aperto chiudibile accessibile is a kind of container. It is usually open, openable and enterable. contenitore chiuso apribile accessibile is a kind of container. It is usually closed, openable and enterable. contenitore bloccato apribile accessibile is a kind of container. It is usually locked, openable and enterable. contenitore aperto bloccabile accessibile is a kind of container. It is usually open, lockable and enterable. indossabile is a kind of thing. It is usually wearable. cosa indossabile is a kind of thing. It is usually wearable. contenitore indossabile is a kind of container. It is usually wearable. contenitore aperto indossabile is a kind of container. It is usually open and wearable. contenitore chiuso indossabile is a kind of container. It is usually closed and wearable. contenitore aperto chiudibile indossabile is a kind of container. It is usually open, openable and wearable. contenitore chiuso apribile indossabile is a kind of container. It is usually closed, openable and wearable. contenitore bloccato apribile indossabile is a kind of container. It is usually locked, openable and wearable. contenitore aperto bloccabile indossabile is a kind of container. It is usually open, lockable and wearable. supporto accessibile is a kind of supporter. It is usually enterable. supporto indossabile is a kind of supporter. It is usually wearable. commestibile is a kind of thing. It is usually edible. cosa commestibile is a kind of thing. It is usually edible. cosa illuminata is a kind of thing. It is usually lit. dispositivo acceso is a kind of device. It is usually switched on. dispositivo spento is a kind of device. It is usually switched off. scenario is a kind of thing. It is usually scenery. number translates into Italian as numero. real number translates into Italian as numero reale. the plural of numero reale is numeri reali. time translates into Italian as ora. truth state translates into Italian as valore logico. the plural of valore logico is valori logici. text translates into Italian as testo. unicode character translates into Italian as carattere unicode. the plural of carattere unicode is caratteri unicode. snippet translates into Italian as frammento. stored action translates into Italian as azione memorizzata. the plural of azione memorizzata is azioni memorizzate. scene translates into Italian as scena. command parser error translates into Italian as errore del parser dei comandi. the plural of errore del parser dei comandi is errori del parser dei comandi. use option translates into Italian as opzione. response translates into Italian as risposta. verb translates into Italian as verbo. table name translates into Italian as nome di tabella. the plural of nome di tabella is nomi di tabella. equation name translates into Italian as nome di equazione. the plural of nome di equazione is nomi di equazione. rulebook outcome translates into Italian as risultato di una regola. the plural of risultato di una regola is risultati di una regola. action name translates into Italian as nome di azione. the plural of nome di azione is nomi di azione. figure name translates into Italian as nome di figura. the plural of nome di figura is nomi di figura. sound name translates into Italian as nome di suono. the plural of nome di suono is nomi di suono. external file translates into Italian as nome di file. the plural of nome di file is nomi di file. Section - In Rideable Vehicles (for use with Rideable Vehicles by Graham Nelson) [ A rideable animal translates into Italian as un animale montabile. A rideable vehicle translates into Italian as un veicolo montabile. ] Section - In Locksmith (for use with Locksmith by Emily Short) A passkey translates into Italian as una chiave universale. A keychain translates into Italian as un portachiavi. &&&] Chapter 2.2.6 - Plurals [Le cose in italiano sono decisamente più convolute. Questa parte è da rivedere.] Include (- language Italian <singular-noun-to-its-plural> ::= <it-plural-exceptions> | ... <it-plural-by-ending> [I nomi in -gia -cia conservano la i al plurale se tali suffissi sono seguiti da vocale.] <it-plural-exceptions> ::= valigia valigie | ciliegia ciliegie <it-plural-by-ending> ::= *a 1e | [tassa -> tasse] *o 1i | [tasso -> tassi] *e 1i | [regione -> regioni] *io 1 [inventario -> inventari] -) in the Preform grammar. Chapter 2.2.7 - Cases [This will be significant for languages like German, but for French there's nothing to do.] Chapter 2.2.8 - Times of day Include (- [ PrintTimeOfDay t h aop; if (t<0) { print "<nessuna ora>"; return; } if (t >= TWELVE_HOURS) { aop = "pm"; t = t - TWELVE_HOURS; } else aop = "am"; h = t/ONE_HOUR; if (h==0) h=12; print h, ":"; if (t%ONE_HOUR < 10) print "0"; print t%ONE_HOUR, " ", (string) aop; ]; -) instead of "Digital Printing" in "Time.i6t". Include (- [ PrintTimeOfDayEnglish t h m dir aop say_minutes quad; ! adapted the spanish version by Sebastian Arg quad = 1; ! =1 es la primera media hora, =2 es la segunda h = (t/60) % 12; m = t%60; if (h==0) h=12; if (m==0) { if(h==1) {print "un'" ;print "ora"; return ;} else print (number) h;print " ore"; return; } !infsp hack dir = "ore";! infsp hack if (m > 30) { m = 60-m; h = (h+1)%12; if (h==0) h=12; dir = "ore meno"; quad=2; } !infsp hack switch(m) { 1: say_minutes = "un"; 2: say_minutes = "due"; 3: say_minutes = "tre"; 4: say_minutes = "quattro"; 5: say_minutes = "cinque"; 6: say_minutes = "sei"; 7: say_minutes = "sette"; 8: say_minutes = "otto"; 9: say_minutes = "nove"; 10: say_minutes = "dieci"; 11: say_minutes = "undici"; 12: say_minutes = "dodici"; 13: say_minutes = "tredici"; 14: say_minutes = "quattordici"; 15: if (quad==2) say_minutes = "un quarto"; else say_minutes = "e un quarto"; 16: say_minutes = "sedici"; 17: say_minutes = "diciassette"; 18: say_minutes = "diciotto"; 19: say_minutes = "diciannove"; 20: say_minutes = "venti"; 21: say_minutes = "ventuno"; 22: say_minutes = "ventidue"; 23: say_minutes = "ventitré"; 24: say_minutes = "ventiquattro"; 25: say_minutes = "venticinque"; 26: say_minutes = "ventisei"; 27: say_minutes = "ventisette"; 28: say_minutes = "ventotto"; 29: say_minutes = "ventinove"; 30: say_minutes = "e mezzo"; default: if (quad == 2){ print (number) m; if (m%5 ~= 0) { if (m == 1) print " minuto"; else print " minuti"; ! infsp hack } } if (quad == 1){ if (h==1) { print (number) h," ore "; print (number) m; } else print (number) h," ore "; print (number) m; if (m%5 ~= 0) { if (m == 1) print ""; else print ""; ! infsp hack } } return; } if (h==1) print "un"; else print (number) h; print " ", (string) dir, " ", (string) say_minutes;!infsp hack ]; -) instead of "Analogue Printing" in "Time.i6t". Include (- [ LanguageTimeOfDay hours mins; print hours/10, hours%10, "h", mins/10, mins%10; ]; -) instead of "Time" in "Language.i6t". Part 2.3 - Adjectives [Adjectives have six forms: neuter singular, neuter plural, masculine singular, masculine plural, feminine singular, feminine plural. They're constructed using tries: n.s. (base text unchanged) n.p. base modified by <adjective-to-plural> m.s. base modified by <adjective-to-masculine-singular> m.p. base modified by <adjective-to-masculine-singular> then further by <adjective-to-masculine-plural> f.s. base modified by <adjective-to-feminine-singular> f.p. base modified by <adjective-to-feminine-singular> then further by <adjective-to-feminine-plural> For Italian, of course, there's no neuter, so the following are easy:] Include (- language Italian <adjective-to-masculine-singular> ::= * 0 <adjective-to-masculine-plural> ::= <it-adjective-to-masculine-plural-exceptions> | ... <it-adjective-to-masculine-plural-by-ending> | ... <adjective-to-plural> <adjective-to-plural> ::= * 1i <it-adjective-to-masculine-plural-exceptions> ::= rosa rosa | viola viola | indaco indaco | blu blu | snob snob | antinebbia antinebbia | perbene perbene | dabbene dabbene | magico magici | politico politici | restio restii | pio pii | savio savi | serio seri <it-adjective-to-masculine-plural-by-ending> ::= *logo 2gi | [teologo -> teologi] *fago 2gi | *go 2ghi | [largo -> larghi] *co 2chi [bianco -> bianchi] <adjective-to-feminine-singular> ::= <it-adjective-to-feminine-singular-exceptions> | ... <it-adjective-to-feminine-singular-by-ending> | ... <it-adjective-to-feminine-default> <it-adjective-to-feminine-singular-exceptions> ::= rosa rosa | viola viola | indaco indaco | blu blu | snob snob | antinebbia antinebbia | perbene perbene | dabbene dabbene | <it-adjective-to-feminine-singular-by-ending> ::= *tore 4trice | *e 1e <it-adjective-to-feminine-default> ::= * 1a <adjective-to-feminine-plural> ::= <it-adjective-unagreeing> | ... <it-adjective-to-feminine-plural-by-ending> | ... <it-adjective-to-plural-fem> <it-adjective-unagreeing> ::= rosa rosa | viola viola | indaco indaco | blu blu | snob snob | antinebbia antinebbia | perbene perbene | dabbene dabbene | <it-adjective-to-feminine-plural-by-ending> ::= *co 2che | *go 2ghe | *io 2ie | *acio 3cie | *ecio 3cie | *icio 3cie | *ocio 3cie | *ucio 3cie | *cio 3ce | *agio 3gie | *egio 3gie | *igio 3gie | *ogio 3gie | *ugio 3gie | *gio 3ge <it-adjective-to-plural-fem> ::= *e 1i | * 1e -) in the Preform grammar. Part 2.4 - Verbs Chapter 2.4.1 - Verb conjugations [Now we need to give instructions on how to conjugate verbs. See also the published guide to Inform syntax, which goes through the English case; but the French case below shows off features not needed for English, so it's a better example to follow for other languages.] [&&& Include (- language Italian [Avere o Essere? >--> A small set of verbs conjugates with avere when used transitively, but with essere when used intransitively: Inform doesn't know when it prints a verb whether it's being used transitively or not, so it has to make a decision: and we're going to conjugate all of these cases with "avere". So our present perfect and past perfect forms of these verbs will be wrong when they're used intransitively. (But of course if they are being used in Inform source text then they must be transitive anyway; so this will only affect printed output in games told in the perfect tenses, which I can't imagine many people will want to do.)] [>--> E' molto importante che i verbi irregolari vengano prima dei regolari nel seguente elenco, in modo tale da poter modificare efficacemente solamente i modi e i tempi irregolari.] <verb-conjugation-instructions> ::= [Auxiliary verbs] essere <it-essere-conjugation> | avere <it-avere-conjugation> | [Irregular verbs] andare <it-andare-conjugation> | arrivare <it-arrivare-conjugation> | stare <it-stare-conjugation> | cadere <it-cadere-conjugation> | aprire <it-aprire-conjugation> | guardare <it-guardare-conjugation> | mangiare <it-mangiare-conjugation> | dovere <it-dovere-conjugation> | potere <it-potere-conjugation> | possedere <it-possedere-conjugation> | tenere <it-tenere-conjugation> | sostenere <it-sostenere-conjugation> | contenere <it-contenere-conjugation> | togliere <it-togliere-conjugation> | lasciare <it-lasciare-conjugation> | fare <it-fare-conjugation> | sedere <it-sedere-conjugation> | uscire <it-uscire-conjugation> | toccare <it-toccare-conjugation> | ottenere <it-ottenere-conjugation> | nascondere <it-nascondere-conjugation> | reggere <it-reggere-conjugation> | racchiudere <it-racchiudere-conjugation> | assaggiare <it-assaggiare-conjugation> | dare <it-dare-conjugation> | dire <it-dire-conjugation> | bloccare <it-bloccare-conjugation> | sbloccare <it-sbloccare-conjugation> | capire <it-incoativi-terza-conjugation> | [Regular -ARE verbs] -are <it-avere-prima-conjugation> | [e.g., "donare"] [Regular -ERE verbs] -ere <it-avere-seconda-conjugation> | [e.g., "leggere"] [Regular -IRE verbs] -ire <it-avere-terza-conjugation> [e.g., "dormire"] [So here goes with avere, which is not very irregular, but we'll need it as an auxiliary later. Note the presence of the asterisks when the past participle is used; "3+*" expands to the past participle with an asterisk on the end. The closing asterisk tells Inform that the word marked has to follow adjectival agreement rules with the subject of the verb - something which doesn't happen for English, where the asterisks are never used. ] <it-avere-conjugation> ::= 2 avendo | 3 avuto | <it-avere-tabulation> <it-avere-tabulation> ::= a1+ <it-avere-present> | a1- non <it-avere-present> | a2+ <it-avere-past> | a2- non <it-avere-past> | a3 <it-avere-perfect> | a4 <it-avere-pluperfect> | a5+ <it-avere-future> | a5- non <it-avere-future> | a6+ <it-avere-past-historic> | a6- non <it-avere-past-historic> | p* 3+* <it-avere-present> ::= ho | hai | ha | abbiamo | avete | hanno <it-avere-past> ::= avevo | avevi | aveva | avevamo | avevate | avevano <it-avere-perfect> ::= ho 3 | hai 3 | ha 3 | abbiamo 3 | avete 3 | hanno 3 <it-avere-pluperfect> ::= avevo 3 | avevi 3 | aveva 3 | avevamo 3 | avevate 3 | avevano 3 <it-avere-past-historic> ::= ebbi | avesti | ebbe | avemmo | aveste | ebbero <it-avere-future> ::= avrò | avrai | avrà | avremo | avrete | avranno <it-essere-conjugation> ::= 2 essendo | 3 stato | 4 stati | <it-essere-tabulation> <it-essere-tabulation> ::= a1+ <it-essere-present> | a1- non <it-essere-present> | a2+ <it-essere-past> | a2- non <it-essere-past> | a3 <it-essere-perfect> | a4 <it-essere-pluperfect> | a5+ <it-essere-future> | a5- non <it-essere-future> | a6+ <it-essere-past-historic> | a6- non <it-essere-past-historic> | p* 3+* <it-essere-present> ::= sono | sei | è | siamo | siete | sono <it-essere-past> ::= ero | eri | era | eravamo | eravate | erano <it-essere-perfect> ::= sono 3 | sei 3 | è 3 | siamo 4 | siete 4 | sono 4 <it-essere-pluperfect> ::= ero 3 | eri 3 | era 3 | eravamo 4 | eravate 4 | erano 4 <it-essere-past-historic> ::= fui | fosti | fu | fummo | foste | furono <it-essere-future> ::= sarò | sarai | sarà | saremo | sarete | saranno [ ---> Italian : "ANDARE" verb. <---- ] <it-andare-conjugation> ::= 5 <it-first-stem-general> | 2 5+ando | 3 5+ato | 4 5+ati | <it-andare-tabulation> <it-andare-tabulation> ::= a1+ <it-andare-present> | a2+ <it-prima-past> | a3+ <it-essere-perfect> | a4+ <it-essere-pluperfect> | a5+ <it-andare-future> | a6+ <it-andare-past-historic> | a7+ <it-stare-plufuture> | p* 3+* <it-andare-present> ::= vado | vai | va | 5+iamo | 5+ate | vanno <it-andare-future> ::= 5+rò | 5+rai | 5+rà | 5+remo | 5+rete | 5+ranno <it-andare-past-historic> ::= 5+ai | 5+asti | 5+ò | 5+ammo | 5+aste | 5+arono [ ---> Italian : "ARRIVARE" verb. <---- ] <it-arrivare-conjugation> ::= 5 <it-first-stem-general> | 2 5+ando | 3 5+ato | 4 5+ati | <it-arrivare-tabulation> <it-arrivare-tabulation> ::= a1+ <it-prima-present> | a2+ <it-prima-past> | a3+ <it-essere-perfect> | a4+ <it-essere-pluperfect> | a5+ <it-arrivare-future> | a6+ <it-andare-past-historic> | a7+ <it-stare-plufuture> | p* 3+* <it-arrivare-future> ::= 5+erò | 5+erai | 5+erà | 5+eremo | 5+erete | 5+eranno [ ---> Italian : "STARE" verb. <---- ] <it-stare-conjugation> ::= 5 <it-first-stem-general> | 2 5+ando | 3 5+ato | 4 5+ati | <it-stare-tabulation> <it-stare-tabulation> ::= a1+ <it-stare-present> | a2+ <it-prima-past> | a3+ <it-essere-perfect> | a4+ <it-essere-pluperfect> | a5+ <it-stare-future> | a6+ <it-stare-past-historic> | a7+ <it-stare-plufuture> | p* 3+* <it-stare-present> ::= 5+o | 5+ai | 5+a | 5+iamo | 5+ate | 5+anno <it-stare-future> ::= 5+arò | 5+arai | 5+arà | 5+aremo | 5+arete | 5+aranno <it-stare-past-historic> ::= 5+etti | 5+esti | 5+este | 5+emmo | 5+este | 5+ettero <it-stare-plufuture> ::= sarò 3 | sarai 3 | sarà 3 | saremo 4 | sarete 4 | saranno 4 [ --------> Italian : "GUARDARE" verb. <------- ] <it-guardare-conjugation> ::= 5 <it-first-stem-general> | 2 5+ando | 3 5+ato | <it-guardare-tabulation> <it-guardare-tabulation> ::= a1+ <it-prima-present> | a2+ <it-prima-past> | a3+ <it-avere-perfect> | a4+ <it-avere-pluperfect> | a5+ <it-prima-future> | a6+ <it-guardare-past-historic> | a7+ <it-avere-future> 3 | p* 3+* <it-guardare-past-historic> ::= 5+ai | 5+asti | 5+ò | 5+ammo | 5+aste | 5+arono [ ---> Italian : "MANGIARE" verb. <---- ] <it-mangiare-conjugation> ::= 5 <it-first-stem-general> | 2 5+ando | 3 5+ato | <it-mangiare-tabulation> <it-mangiare-tabulation> ::= a1+ <it-mangiare-present> | a2+ <it-prima-past> | a3+ ( t1 avere ) 3 | a4+ ( t2 avere ) 3 | a5+ <it-mangiare-future> | a6+ <it-mangiare-past-historic> | a7+ <it-avere-future> 3 | p* 3+* <it-mangiare-present> ::= 5+o | 5 | 5+a | 5+amo | 5+ate | 5+ano <it-mangiare-future> ::= mangerò | mangerai | mangerà | mangeremo | mangerete | mangeranno <it-mangiare-past-historic> ::= 5+ai | 5+asti | 5+ò | 5+ammo | 5+aste | 5+arono [ ---> Italian : "DOVERE" verb. <---- ] <it-dovere-conjugation> ::= 5 <it-first-stem-general> | 2 5+endo | 3 5+uto | 4 dev | <it-dovere-tabulation> <it-dovere-tabulation> ::= a1+ <it-dovere-present> | a2+ <it-potere-past> | a3+ ( t1 avere ) 3 | a4+ ( t2 avere ) 3 | a5+ <it-dovere-future> | a6+ <it-dovere-past-historic> | a7+ <it-avere-future> 3 | p* 3+* <it-dovere-present> ::= 4+o | 4+i | 4+e | dobbiamo | 4+ete | 4+ono <it-dovere-future> ::= 5+rò | 5+rai | 5+rà | 5+remo | 5+rete | 5+ranno <it-dovere-past-historic> ::= 5+etti | 5+esti | 5+ette | 5+emmo | 5+este | 5+ettero [ ---> Italian : "POTERE" verb. <---- ] <it-potere-conjugation> ::= 5 <it-first-stem-general> | 2 5+endo | 3 5+uto | <it-potere-tabulation> <it-potere-tabulation> ::= a1+ <it-potere-present> | a2+ <it-potere-past> | a3+ ( t1 avere ) 3 | a4+ ( t2 avere ) 3 | a5+ <it-dovere-future> | a6+ <it-potere-past-historic> | a7+ <it-avere-future> 3 | p* 3+* <it-potere-present> ::= posso | puoi | può | possiamo | potete | possono <it-potere-past> ::= 5+evo | 5+evi | 5+eva | 5+evamo | 5+evate | 5+evano <it-potere-past-historic> ::= 5+ei | 5+esti | 5+ette | 5+emmo | 5+este | 5+ettero [ ---> Italian : "POSSEDERE" verb. <---- ] <it-possedere-conjugation> ::= 5 <it-first-stem-general> | 2 5+endo | 3 5+uto | <it-possedere-tabulation> <it-possedere-tabulation> ::= a1+ <it-possedere-present> | a2+ <it-possedere-past> | a3+ ( t1 avere ) 3 | a4+ ( t2 avere ) 3 | a5+ <it-possedere-future> | a6+ <it-possedere-past-historic> | a7+ <it-avere-future> 3 | p* 3+* <it-possedere-present> ::= possiedo | possiedi | possiede | 5+iamo | 5+ete | possiedono <it-possedere-past> ::= 5+evo | 5+evi | 5+eva | 5+evamo | 5+evate | 5+evano <it-possedere-future> ::= 5+erò | 5+erai | 5+erete | 5+eremo | 5+erete | 5+eranno <it-possedere-past-historic> ::= 5+ei | 5+esti | 5+ette | 5+emmo | 5+este | 5+ettero [ ---> Italian : "TENERE" verb. <---- ] <it-tenere-conjugation> ::= 5 <it-first-stem-general> | 2 5+endo | 3 5+uto | <it-tenere-tabulation> <it-tenere-tabulation> ::= a1+ <it-tenere-present> | a2+ <it-tenere-past> | a3+ ( t1 avere ) 3 | a4+ ( t2 avere ) 3 | a5+ <it-tenere-future> | a6+ <it-tenere-past-historic> | a7+ <it-avere-future> 3 | p* 3+* <it-tenere-present> ::= tengo | tieni | tiene | 5+iamo | 5+ete | tengono <it-tenere-past> ::= 5+evo | 5+evi | 5+eva | 5+evamo | 5+evate | 5+evano <it-tenere-future> ::= terrò | terrai | terrà | terremo | terrete | terranno <it-tenere-past-historic> ::= tenni | 5+esti | 5+ette | 5+emmo | 5+este | tenerono [ ---> Italian : "SOSTENERE" verb. <---- ] <it-sostenere-conjugation> ::= 5 <it-first-stem-general> | 2 5+endo | 3 5+uto | <it-sostenere-tabulation> <it-sostenere-tabulation> ::= a1+ <it-sostenere-present> | a2+ <it-sostenere-past> | a3+ ( t1 avere ) 3 | a4+ ( t2 avere ) 3 | a5+ <it-sostenere-future> | a6+ <it-sostenere-past-historic> | a7+ <it-avere-future> 3 | p* 3+* <it-sostenere-present> ::= sostengo | sostieni | sostiene | 5+iamo | 5+ete | sostengono <it-sostenere-past> ::= 5+evo | 5+evi | 5+eva | 5+evamo | 5+evate | 5+evano <it-sostenere-future> ::= sosterrò | sosterrai | sosterrà | sosterremo | sosterrete | sosterranno <it-sostenere-past-historic> ::= sostenni | 5+esti | 5+ette | 5+emmo | 5+este | sostenerono [ ---> Italian : "CONTENERE" verb. <---- ] <it-contenere-conjugation> ::= 5 <it-first-stem-general> | 2 5+endo | 3 5+uto | <it-contenere-tabulation> <it-contenere-tabulation> ::= a1+ <it-contenere-present> | a2+ <it-contenere-past> | a3+ ( t1 avere ) 3 | a4+ ( t2 avere ) 3 | a5+ <it-contenere-future> | a6+ <it-contenere-past-historic> | a7+ <it-avere-future> 3 | p* 3+* <it-contenere-present> ::= contengo | contieni | contiene | 5+iamo | 5+ete | contengono <it-contenere-past> ::= 5+evo | 5+evi | 5+eva | 5+evamo | 5+evate | 5+evano <it-contenere-future> ::= conterrò | conterrai | conterrà | conterremo | conterrete | conterranno <it-contenere-past-historic> ::= contenni | 5+esti | 5+ette | 5+emmo | 5+este | contenerono [ ---> Italian : "TOGLIERE" verb. <---- ] <it-togliere-conjugation> ::= 5 <it-first-stem-general> | 2 5+endo | 3 tolto | <it-togliere-tabulation> <it-togliere-tabulation> ::= a1+ <it-togliere-present> | a2+ <it-togliere-past> | a3+ ( t1 avere ) 3 | a4+ ( t2 avere ) 3 | a5+ <it-togliere-future> | a6+ <it-togliere-past-historic> | a7+ <it-avere-future> 3 | p* 3+* <it-togliere-present> ::= tolgo | togli | toglie | 5+amo | 5+ete | tolgono <it-togliere-past> ::= 5+evo | 5+evi | 5+eva | 5+evamo | 5+evate | 5+evano <it-togliere-future> ::= 5+erò | 5+erai | 5+erete | 5+eremo | 5+erete | 5+eranno <it-togliere-past-historic> ::= tolsi | 5+esti | tolse | 5+emmo | 5+este | tolsero [ ---> Italian : "LASCIARE" verb. <---- ] <it-lasciare-conjugation> ::= 5 <it-first-stem-general> | 2 5+ando | 3 5+ato | <it-lasciare-tabulation> <it-lasciare-tabulation> ::= a1+ <it-lasciare-present> | a2+ <it-lasciare-past> | a3+ ( t1 avere ) 3 | a4+ ( t2 avere ) 3 | a5+ <it-lasciare-future> | a6+ <it-lasciare-past-historic> | a7+ <it-avere-future> 3 | p* 3+* <it-lasciare-present> ::= lascio | lasci | lascia | 5+iamo | 5+ate | lasciano <it-lasciare-past> ::= 5+avo | 5+avi | 5+ava | 5+avamo | 5+avate | 5+avano <it-lasciare-future> ::= lascerò | lascerai | lascerete | lasceremo | lascerete | lasceranno <it-lasciare-past-historic> ::= 5+ai | 5+asti | 5+ò | 5+ammo | 5+aste | 5+arono [ --------> Italian : "FARE" verb. <------- ] <it-fare-conjugation> ::= 5 <it-first-stem-general> | 2 5+acendo | 3 5+atto | <it-fare-tabulation> <it-fare-tabulation> ::= a1+ <it-fare-present> | a2+ <it-fare-past> | a3+ <it-avere-perfect> | a4+ <it-avere-pluperfect> | a5+ <it-fare-future> | a6+ <it-fare-past-historic> | a7+ <it-avere-future> 3 | p* 3+* <it-fare-present> ::= faccio | fai | fa | facciamo | fate | fanno <it-fare-past> ::= facevo | facevi | faceva | facevamo | facevate | facevano <it-fare-past-historic> ::= feci | facesti | fece | facemmo | faceste | fecero <it-fare-future> ::= 5+arò | 5+arai | 5+arà | 5+aremo | 5+arete | 5+aranno [ ---> Italian : "SEDERE" verb. <---- ] <it-sedere-conjugation> ::= 5 <it-first-stem-general> | 2 5+endo | 3 5+uto | 4 5+uti | <it-sedere-tabulation> <it-sedere-tabulation> ::= a1+ <it-sedere-present> | a2+ <it-sedere-past> | a3+ <it-sedere-perfect> | a4+ <it-sedere-pluperfect> | a5+ <it-sedere-future> | a6+ <it-sedere-past-historic> | a7+ <it-essere-future> 3 | p* 3+* <it-sedere-present> ::= seggo | siedi | siede | 5+iamo | 5+ete | seggono <it-sedere-past> ::= 5+evo | 5+evi | 5+eva | 5+evamo | 5+evate | 5+evano <it-sedere-perfect> ::= sono 3 | sei 3 | è 3 | siamo 4 | siete 4 | sono 4 <it-sedere-pluperfect> ::= ero 3 | eri 3 | era 3 | eravamo 4 | eravate 4 | erano 4 <it-sedere-future> ::= 5+erò | 5+erai | 5+erete | 5+eremo | 5+erete | 5+eranno <it-sedere-past-historic> ::= sedetti | 5+esti | 5+ette | 5+emmo | 5+este | 5+ettero [ ---> Italian : "USCIRE" verb. <---- ] <it-uscire-conjugation> ::= 5 <it-first-stem-general> | 2 5+endo | 3 5+ito | 3 5+iti | <it-uscire-tabulation> <it-uscire-tabulation> ::= a1+ <it-uscire-present> | a2+ <it-uscire-past> | a3+ <it-uscire-perfect> | a4+ <it-uscire-pluperfect> | a5+ <it-uscire-future> | a6+ <it-uscire-past-historic> | a7+ <it-essere-future> 3 | p* 3+* <it-uscire-present> ::= esco | esci | esce | 5+iamo | 5+ite | escono <it-uscire-past> ::= 5+ivo | 5+ivi | 5+iva | 5+ivamo | 5+ivate | 5+ivano <it-uscire-perfect> ::= sono 3 | sei 3 | è 3 | siamo 4 | siete 4 | sono 4 <it-uscire-pluperfect> ::= ero 3 | eri 3 | era 3 | eravamo 4 | eravate 4 | erano 4 <it-uscire-future> ::= 5+irò | 5+irai | 5+irete | 5+iremo | 5+irete | 5+iranno <it-uscire-past-historic> ::= 5+ii | 5+isti | 5+ì | 5+immo | 5+iste | 5+irono [ ---> Italian : "TOCCARE" verb. <---- ] <it-toccare-conjugation> ::= 5 <it-first-stem-general> | 2 5+ando | 3 5+ato | <it-toccare-tabulation> <it-toccare-tabulation> ::= a1+ <it-toccare-present> | a2+ <it-toccare-past> | a3+ ( t1 avere ) 3 | a4+ ( t2 avere ) 3 | a5+ <it-toccare-future> | a6+ <it-toccare-past-historic> | a7+ <it-avere-future> 3 | p* 3+* <it-toccare-present> ::= 5+o | tocchi | 5+a | tocchiamo | 5+ate | 5+ano <it-toccare-past> ::= 5+avo | 5+avi | 5+ava | 5+avamo | 5+avate | 5+avano <it-toccare-future> ::= toccherò | toccherai | toccherete | toccheremo | toccherete | toccheranno <it-toccare-past-historic> ::= 5+ai | 5+asti | 5+ò | 5+ammo | 5+aste | 5+arono [ ---> Italian : "OTTENERE" verb. <---- ] <it-ottenere-conjugation> ::= 5 <it-first-stem-general> | 2 5+endo | 3 5+uto | <it-ottenere-tabulation> <it-ottenere-tabulation> ::= a1+ <it-ottenere-present> | a2+ <it-ottenere-past> | a3+ ( t1 avere ) 3 | a4+ ( t2 avere ) 3 | a5+ <it-ottenere-future> | a6+ <it-ottenere-past-historic> | a7+ <it-essere-future> 3 | p* 3+* <it-ottenere-present> ::= ottengo | ottieni | ottiene | 5+iamo | 5+ete | ottengono <it-ottenere-past> ::= 5+evo | 5+evi | 5+eva | 5+evamo | 5+evate | 5+evano <it-ottenere-future> ::= otterrò | otterrai | otterrete | otterremo | otterrete | otterranno <it-ottenere-past-historic> ::= ottenni | 5+esti | ottenne | 5+emmo | 5+este | ottennero [ ---> Italian : "NASCONDERE" verb. <---- ] <it-nascondere-conjugation> ::= 5 <it-first-stem-general> | 2 5+endo | 3 nascosto | <it-nascondere-tabulation> <it-nascondere-tabulation> ::= a1+ <it-nascondere-present> | a2+ <it-nascondere-past> | a3+ ( t1 avere ) 3 | a4+ ( t2 avere ) 3 | a5+ <it-nascondere-future> | a6+ <it-nascondere-past-historic> | a7+ <it-nascondere-future> 3 | p* 3+* <it-ottenere-present> ::= 5+o | 5+i | 5+e | 5+iamo | 5+ete | 5+ono <it-ottenere-past> ::= 5+evo | 5+evi | 5+eva | 5+evamo | 5+evate | 5+evano <it-ottenere-future> ::= 5+erò | 5+erai | 5+erete | 5+eremo | 5+erete | 5+eranno <it-ottenere-past-historic> ::= nascosi | 5+esti | nascose | 5+emmo | 5+este | nascosero [ ---> Italian : "REGGERE" verb. <---- ] <it-reggere-conjugation> ::= 5 <it-first-stem-general> | 2 5+endo | 3 retto | <it-reggere-tabulation> <it-reggere-tabulation> ::= a1+ <it-reggere-present> | a2+ <it-reggere-past> | a3+ ( t1 avere ) 3 | a4+ ( t2 avere ) 3 | a5+ <it-reggere-future> | a6+ <it-reggere-past-historic> | a7+ <it-essere-future> 3 | p* 3+* <it-reggere-present> ::= 5+o | 5+i | 5+e | 5+iamo | 5+ete | 5+ono <it-reggere-past> ::= 5+evo | 5+evi | 5+eva | 5+evamo | 5+evate | 5+evano <it-reggere-future> ::= 5+erò | 5+erai | 5+erà | 5+eremo | 5+erete | 5+eranno <it-reggere-past-historic> ::= ressi | 5+esti | resse | 5+emmo | 5+este | ressero [ ---> Italian : "RACCHIUDERE" verb. <---- ] <it-racchiudere-conjugation> ::= 5 <it-first-stem-general> | 2 5+endo | 3 racchiuso | <it-ottenere-tabulation> <it-racchiudere-tabulation> ::= a1+ <it-racchiudere-present> | a2+ <it-racchiudere-past> | a3+ ( t1 avere ) 3 | a4+ ( t2 avere ) 3 | a5+ <it-racchiudere-future> | a6+ <it-racchiudere-past-historic> | a7+ <it-essere-future> 3 | p* 3+* <it-racchiudere-present> ::= 5+o | 5+i | 5+e | 5+iamo | 5+ete | 5+ono <it-racchiudere-past> ::= 5+evo | 5+evi | 5+eva | 5+evamo | 5+evate | 5+evano <it-racchiudere-future> ::= 5+erò | 5+erai | 5+erete | 5+eremo | 5+erete | 5+eranno <it-racchiudere-past-historic> ::= racchiusi | 5+esti | racchiuse | 5+emmo | 5+este | racchiusero [ ---> Italian : "ASSAGGIARE" verb. <---- ] <it-assaggiare-conjugation> ::= 5 <it-first-stem-general> | 2 5+ando | 3 5+ato | <it-assaggiare-tabulation> <it-assaggiare-tabulation> ::= a1+ <it-assaggiare-present> | a2+ <it-assaggiare-past> | a3+ ( t1 avere ) 3 | a4+ ( t2 avere ) 3 | a5+ <it-assaggiare-future> | a6+ <it-assaggiare-past-historic> | a7+ <it-avere-future> 3 | p* 3+* <it-assaggiare-present> ::= 5+o | assaggi | 5+a | assaggiamo | 5+ate | 5+ano <it-assaggiare-past> ::= 5+avo | 5+avi | 5+ava | 5+avamo | 5+avate | 5+avano <it-assaggiare-future> ::= assaggerò | assaggerai | assaggerete | assaggeremo | assaggerete | assaggeranno <it-assaggiare-past-historic> ::= 5+ai | 5+asti | 5+ò | 5+ammo | 5+aste | 5+arono [ ---> Italian : "DARE" verb. <---- ] <it-dare-conjugation> ::= 5 <it-first-stem-general> | 2 5+ando | 3 5+ato | <it-dare-tabulation> <it-dare-tabulation> ::= a1+ <it-dare-present> | a2+ <it-dare-past> | a3+ ( t1 avere ) 3 | a4+ ( t2 avere ) 3 | a5+ <it-dare-future> | a6+ <it-dare-past-historic> | a7+ <it-avere-future> 3 | p* 3+* <it-dare-present> ::= 5+o | dai | dà | 5+iamo | 5+ate | 5+anno <it-dare-past> ::= 5+avo | 5+avi | 5+ava | 5+avamo | 5+avate | 5+avano <it-dare-future> ::= darò | darai | darà | daremo | darete | daranno <it-dare-past-historic> ::= diedi | desti | diede | demmo | deste | diedero [ ---> Italian : "DIRE" verb. <---- ] <it-dire-conjugation> ::= 5 <it-first-stem-general> | 2 dicendo | 3 detto | <it-dire-tabulation> <it-dire-tabulation> ::= a1+ <it-dire-present> | a2+ <it-dire-past> | a3+ ( t1 avere ) 3 | a4+ ( t2 avere ) 3 | a5+ <it-dire-future> | a6+ <it-dire-past-historic> | a7+ <it-avere-future> 3 | p* 3+* <it-dire-present> ::= dico | dici | dice | diciamo | dite | dicono <it-dare-past> ::= dicevo | dicevi | diceva | dicevamo | dicevate | dicevano <it-dare-future> ::= dirò | dirai | dirà | diremo | direte | diranno <it-dare-past-historic> ::= dissi | dicesti | disse | dicemmo | diceste | dissero [ --------> Italian : "BLOCCARE e SBLOCCARE" verb. <------- ] <it-bloccare-conjugation> ::= 5 <it-first-stem-general> | 2 5+ando | 3 5+ato | <it-bloccare-tabulation> <it-sbloccare-conjugation> ::= 5 <it-first-stem-general> | 2 5+ando | 3 5+ato | <it-bloccare-tabulation> <it-bloccare-tabulation> ::= a1+ <it-bloccare-present> | a2+ <it-prima-past> | a3+ <it-avere-perfect> | a4+ <it-avere-pluperfect> | a5+ <it-bloccare-future> | a6+ <it-prima-past-historic> | a7+ <it-avere-future> 3 | p* 3+* <it-bloccare-present> ::= 5+o | 5+hi | 5+a | 5+hiamo | 5+ate | 5+ano <it-bloccare-future> ::= 5+herò | 5+herai | 5+herà | 5+heremo | 5+herete | 5+heranno <it-bloccare-conjugation> ::= 5 <it-first-stem-general> | 2 5+ando | 3 5+ato | <it-bloccare-tabulation> [ ---> Italian "first conjugation": regular -ARE verbs. <---- ] <it-first-stem-general> ::= * 3 [drop the last three letters: donare-> don] <it-avere-prima-conjugation> ::= 5 <it-first-stem-general> | 2 5+ando | 3 5+ato | <it-avere-prima-tabulation> [Al momento non serve differenziare plurale e singolare nel gerundio] <it-avere-prima-tabulation> ::= a1+ <it-prima-present> | a1- non <it-prima-present> | a2+ <it-prima-past> | a2- non <it-prima-past> | a3 ( t1 avere ) 3 | a4 ( t2 avere ) 3 | a5+ <it-prima-future> | a5- non <it-prima-future> | a6+ <it-prima-past-historic> | a6- non <it-prima-past-historic> | a7 ( t5 avere ) 3 | p* 3+* <it-prima-present> ::= 5+o | 5+i | 5+a | 5+iamo | 5+ate | 5+ano <it-prima-past> ::= 5+avo | 5+avi | 5+ava | 5+avamo | 5+avate | 5+avano <it-prima-future> ::= 5+erò | 5+erai | 5+erà | 5+eremo | 5+erete | 5+eranno <it-prima-past-historic> ::= 5+ai | 5+asti | 5+ò | 5+ammo | 5+aste | 5+arono <it-prima-future> ::= 5+erò | 5+erai | 5+à | 5+eremo | 5+erete | 5+eranno [ ---> Italian "second conjugation": regular -ERE verbs. <---- ] <it-seconda-stem> ::= [this is not much of a trie:] * 3 [in all cases drop the last two letters: finir -> fin] <it-avere-seconda-conjugation> ::= 5 <it-seconda-stem> | 2 5+endo | 3 5+uto | <it-avere-seconda-tabulation> <it-avere-seconda-tabulation> ::= a1+ <it-seconda-present> | a1- non <it-seconda-present> | a2+ <it-seconda-past> | a2- non <it-seconda-past> | a3 ( t1 avere ) 3 | a4 ( t2 avere ) 3 | a5+ <it-seconda-future> | a5- non <it-seconda-future> | a6+ <it-seconda-past-historic> | a6- non <it-seconda-past-historic> | a7 ( t5 avere ) 3 | p* 3+* <it-seconda-present> ::= 5+o | 5+i | 5+e | 5+iamo | 5+ete | 5+ono <it-seconda-past> ::= 5+evo | 5+evi | 5+eva | 5+evamo | 5+evate | 5+evano <it-seconda-future> ::= 5+erò | 5+erai | 5+erà | 5+eremo | 5+erete | 5+eranno <it-seconda-past-historic> ::= 5+ei | 5+esti | 5+é | 5+emmo | 5+este | 5+erono <it-seconda-future> ::= 5+erò | 5+erai | 5+erà | 5+eremo | 5+erete | 5+eranno [ ---> Italian "third conjugation": regular -IRE verbs. <---- ] <it-terza-stem> ::= * 3 [in all cases drop the last three letters] <it-avere-terza-conjugation> ::= 5 <it-terza-stem> | 2 5+endo | 3 5+ito | <it-avere-terza-tabulation> <it-avere-terza-tabulation> ::= a1+ <it-terza-present> | a1- non <it-terza-present> | a2+ <it-terza-past> | a2- non <it-terza-past> | a3 ( t1 avere ) 3 | a4 ( t2 avere ) 3 | a5+ <it-terza-future> | a5- non <it-terza-future> | a6+ <it-terza-past-historic> | a6- non <it-terza-past-historic> | a7 ( t5 avere ) 3 | p* 3+* <it-terza-present> ::= 5+o | 5+i | 5+e | 5+iamo | 5+ite | 5+ono <it-terza-past> ::= 5+ivo | 5+ivi | 5+iva | 5+ivamo | 5+ivate | 5+ivano <it-terza-past-historic> ::= 5+ii | 5+isti | 5+ì | 5+immo | 5+iste | 5+irono <it-terza-future> ::= 5+irò | 5+irai | 5+irà | 5+iremo | 5+irete | 5+iranno [ ---> Italian "third conjugation": aprire. <---- ] <it-terza-stem> ::= * 3 [in all cases drop the last three letters] <it-aprire-conjugation> ::= 5 <it-terza-stem> | 2 5+endo | 3 aperto | <it-avere-terza-tabulation> [ ---> Italian "third conjugation": incoativi. <---- ] <it-terza-stem-inc> ::= * 3 [in all cases drop the last three letters] <it-incoativi-terza-conjugation> ::= 5 <it-terza-stem-inc> | 2 5+endo | 3 5+ito | <it-incoativi-terza-tabulation> <it-incoativi-terza-tabulation> ::= a1+ <it-terza-present-inc> | a1- non <it-terza-present-inc> | a2+ <it-terza-past-inc> | a2- non <it-terza-past-inc> | a3 ( t1 avere ) 3 | a4 ( t2 avere ) 3 | a5+ <it-terza-future-inc> | a5- non <it-terza-future-inc> | a6+ <it-terza-past-historic-inc> | a6- non <it-terza-past-historic-inc> | a7 ( t5 avere ) 3 | p* 3+* <it-terza-present-inc> ::= 5+isco | 5+isci | 5+isce | 5+iamo | 5+ite | 5+iscono <it-terza-past-inc> ::= 5+ivo | 5+ivi | 5+iva | 5+ivamo | 5+ivate | 5+ivano <it-terza-past-historic-inc> ::= 5+ii | 5+isti | 5+ì | 5+immo | 5+iste | 5+irono <it-terza-future-inc> ::= 5+irò | 5+irai | 5+irà | 5+iremo | 5+irete | 5+iranno [Just one more thing to do: reflexive verb... Still to be implemented.] -) in the Preform grammar. Chapter 2.4.2 - Meaningful verbs Section - In the Standard Rules [We declare Italian equivalents of all meaningful verbs built into the Standard Rules.] In Italian essere is a verb meaning to be. In Italian avere is a verb meaning to have. In Italian relazionare is a verb meaning to relate. In Italian fornire is a verb meaning to provide. In Italian contenere is a verb meaning to contain. In Italian supportare is a verb meaning to support. In Italian sostenere is a verb meaning to support. In Italian incorporare is a verb meaning to incorporate. In Italian racchiudere is a verb meaning to enclose. In Italian portare is a verb meaning to carry. In Italian indossare is a verb meaning to wear. In Italian tenere is a verb meaning to hold. In Italian reggere is a verb meaning to hold. In Italian nascondere is a verb meaning to conceal. In Italian sbloccare is a verb meaning to unlock. Section - In Rideable Vehicles (for use with Rideable Vehicles by Graham Nelson) [ In Italian montare su is a verb meaning to mount. In Italian scendere is a verb meaning to dismount. ] Section - In Locksmith (for use with Locksmith by Emily Short) In Italian sbloccare is a verb meaning to unbolt. Chapter 2.4.3 - Prepositions [We need the following in order to make definitions of "prepositions" work properly.] Include (- language Italian <infinitive-usage-exceptional> ::= /c/ essere ... -) in the Preform grammar. In Italian essere dentro is a verb meaning to be in. In Italian essere nel is a verb meaning to be in. In Italian essere nello is a verb meaning to be in. In Italian essere nella is a verb meaning to be in. In Italian essere nei is a verb meaning to be in. In Italian essere negli is a verb meaning to be in. In Italian essere nelle is a verb meaning to be in. In Italian essere sopra is a verb meaning to be on. In Italian essere sul is a verb meaning to be on. In Italian essere sullo is a verb meaning to be on. In Italian essere sulla is a verb meaning to be on. In Italian essere sui is a verb meaning to be on. In Italian essere sugli is a verb meaning to be on. In Italian essere sulle is a verb meaning to be on. In Italian essere parte di is a verb meaning to be part of. In Italian essere parte del is a verb meaning to be part of. In Italian essere parte dello is a verb meaning to be part of. In Italian essere parte dei is a verb meaning to be part of. In Italian essere parte degli is a verb meaning to be part of. In Italian essere parte delle is a verb meaning to be part of. In Italian essere superiore a is a verb meaning to be greater than. In Italian essere inferiore a is a verb meaning to be less than. In Italian essere almeno is a verb meaning to be at least. In Italian essere al più is a verb meaning to be at most. In Italian essere accanto is a verb meaning to be adjacent to. In Italian essere sopra a is a verb meaning to be above. In Italian essere sotto a is a verb meaning to be below. In Italian essere di traverso a is a verb meaning to be through. In Italian essere a nord di is a verb meaning the mapping north relation. In Italian essere a nord della is a verb meaning the mapping north relation. In Italian essere a nord dello is a verb meaning the mapping north relation. In Italian essere a nord del is a verb meaning the mapping north relation. In Italian essere a sud di is a verb meaning the mapping south relation. In Italian essere a sud della is a verb meaning the mapping south relation. In Italian essere a sud dello is a verb meaning the mapping south relation. In Italian essere a sud del is a verb meaning the mapping south relation. In Italian essere a est di is a verb meaning the mapping east relation. In Italian essere a est della is a verb meaning the mapping east relation. In Italian essere a est dello is a verb meaning the mapping east relation. In Italian essere a est del is a verb meaning the mapping east relation. In Italian essere a ovest di is a verb meaning the mapping west relation. In Italian essere a ovest della is a verb meaning the mapping west relation. In Italian essere a ovest dello is a verb meaning the mapping west relation. In Italian essere a ovest del is a verb meaning the mapping west relation. In Italian essere a nordovest di is a verb meaning the mapping northwest relation. In Italian essere a nordovest della is a verb meaning the mapping northwest relation. In Italian essere a nordovest dello is a verb meaning the mapping northwest relation. In Italian essere a nordovest del is a verb meaning the mapping northwest relation. In Italian essere a nordest di is a verb meaning the mapping northeast relation. In Italian essere a nordest della is a verb meaning the mapping northeast relation. In Italian essere a nordest dello is a verb meaning the mapping northeast relation. In Italian essere a nordest del is a verb meaning the mapping northeast relation. In Italian essere a sudovest di is a verb meaning the mapping southwest relation. In Italian essere a sudovest della is a verb meaning the mapping southwest relation. In Italian essere a sudovest dello is a verb meaning the mapping southwest relation. In Italian essere a sudovest del is a verb meaning the mapping southwest relation. In Italian essere a sudest di is a verb meaning the mapping southeast relation. In Italian essere a sudest della is a verb meaning the mapping southeast relation. In Italian essere a sudest dello is a verb meaning the mapping southeast relation. In Italian essere a sudest del is a verb meaning the mapping southeast relation. &&&] Volume 3 - Responses When play begins: now the description of yourself is "[regarding the player][maiuscolo][Sei][maiuscolo] sempre [lo][stesso]." Part 3.1 - Responses Chapter 3.1.0 - Articulated Prepositions To decide which number is the artflag of (sostan - a thing): let c1 be character number 1 in the printed name of sostan; if c1 is "a" or c1 is "A" or c1 is "e" or c1 is "E" or c1 is "i" or c1 is "I" or c1 is "o" or c1 is "O" or c1 is "u" or c1 is "U", decide on 0; if c1 is "z" or c1 is "Z" or c1 is "x" or c1 is "X", decide on 1; let c2 be character number 2 in the printed name of sostan; if c1 is "s" or c1 is "S": if c2 is "a" or c2 is "A" or c2 is "e" or c2 is "E" or c2 is "i" or c2 is "I" or c2 is "o" or c2 is "O" or c2 is "u" or c2 is "U", decide on 2; decide on 1; if c1 is "p" or c1 is "P": if c2 is "s", decide on 1; decide on 2; if c1 is "g" or c1 is "G": if c2 is "n", decide on 1; decide on 2; decide on 2. To decide which number is the artflag of (sostan - a room): let c1 be character number 1 in the printed name of sostan; if c1 is "a" or c1 is "A" or c1 is "e" or c1 is "E" or c1 is "i" or c1 is "I" or c1 is "o" or c1 is "O" or c1 is "u" or c1 is "U", decide on 0; if c1 is "z" or c1 is "Z" or c1 is "x" or c1 is "X", decide on 1; let c2 be character number 2 in the printed name of sostan; if c1 is "s" or c1 is "S": if c2 is "a" or c2 is "A" or c2 is "e" or c2 is "E" or c2 is "i" or c2 is "I" or c2 is "o" or c2 is "O" or c2 is "u" or c2 is "U", decide on 2; decide on 1; if c1 is "p" or c1 is "P": if c2 is "s", decide on 1; if c1 is "g" or c1 is "G": if c2 is "n", decide on 1; decide on 2. Articulated preposition is a kind of value. Some articulated prepositions are defined by the Table of Prepositions. Table of Prepositions
To say (p - an articulated preposition) the (obj - a thing): if obj is proper-named: say "[8pn of p] "; otherwise if obj is female: say "[if obj is plural-named][6Le of p][otherwise if artflag of obj is 0][7L of p][otherwise][3La of P][end if]"; otherwise if artflag of obj is 2: say "[if obj is plural-named][4I of p][otherwise][1Il of p][end if]"; otherwise: say "[if obj is plural-named][5Gli of p][otherwise if artflag of obj is 0][7L of p][otherwise if artflag of obj is 1][2Lo of p][end if]"; say "[regarding the obj][obj]". To say (p - an articulated preposition) cui (obj - a thing): if obj is female: say "[if obj is plural-named][6Le of p][otherwise][3La of P][end if]"; otherwise: say "[if obj is plural-named][4I of p][otherwise][1Il of p][end if]"; say "cui [regarding the obj][obj]". To say (p - an articulated preposition) the (obj - a room): if obj is proper-named: say "[8pn of p] "; otherwise if obj is female: say "[if obj is plural-named][6Le of p][otherwise if artflag of obj is 0][7L of p][otherwise][3La of P][end if]"; otherwise if artflag of obj is 2: say "[if obj is plural-named][4I of p][otherwise][1Il of p][end if]"; otherwise: say "[if obj is plural-named][5Gli of p][otherwise if artflag of obj is 0][7L of p][otherwise if artflag of obj is 1][2Lo of p][end if]"; say "[regarding the obj][obj]". Chapter 3.1.1 - Responses in the Standard Rules [&&& [Many thanks to Sarganar for the Collection of Responses] In Italian stare is a verb. In Italian guardare is a verb. In Italian aprire is a verb. In Italian fare is a verb. In Italian sembrare is a verb. In Italian prendere is a verb. In Italian mettere is a verb. In Italian togliere is a verb. In Italian lasciare is a verb. In Italian andare is a verb. In Italian posizionare is a verb. In Italian mangiare is a verb. In Italian dovere is a verb. In Italian potere is a verb. In Italian possedere is a verb. In Italian provare is a verb. In Italian parlare is a verb. In Italian rispondere is a verb. In Italian chiedere is a verb. In Italian dire is a verb. In Italian salutare is a verb. In Italian arrivare is a verb. In Italian entrare is a verb. In Italian salire is a verb. In Italian sedere is a verb. In Italian scendere is a verb. In Italian uscire is a verb. In Italian vedere is a verb. In Italian trovare is a verb. In Italian ispezionare is a verb. In Italian scoprire is a verb. In Italian bloccare is a verb. In Italian chiudere is a verb. In Italian accendere is a verb. In Italian spegnere is a verb. In Italian sfilare is a verb. In Italian porgere is a verb. In Italian passare is a verb. In Italian aspettare is a verb. In Italian toccare is a verb. In Italian ottenere is a verb. In Italian tenere is a verb. In Italian sostenere is a verb. [In Italian contenere is a verb.] In Italian sentire is a verb. In Italian agitare is a verb. In Italian tirare is a verb. In Italian spingere is a verb. In Italian ruotare is a verb. In Italian strizzare is a verb. In Italian odorare is a verb. In Italian annusare is a verb. In Italian afferrare is a verb. In Italian assaggiare is a verb. In Italian dare is a verb. In Italian agitare is a verb. In Italian ascoltare is a verb. &&&] verbo 1^ is a kind of object. verbo 2^ is a kind of object. verbo 3^ is a kind of object. stai is a verbo 1^. guardi is a verbo 1^. arrivi is a verbo 1^. entri is a verbo 1^. trovi is a verbo 1^. ispezioni is a verbo 1^. sfili is a verbo 1^. passi is a verbo 1^. aspetti is a verbo 1^. sembri is a verbo 1^. indossi is a verbo 1^. parli is a verbo 1^. provi is a verbo 1^. [ext] saluti is a verbo 1^. metti is a verbo 2^. prendi is a verbo 2^. scendi is a verbo 2^. vedi is a verbo 2^. chiudi is a verbo 2^. accendi is a verbo 2^. spegni is a verbo 2^. [ext] porgi is a verbo 2^. rispondi is a verbo 2^. apri is a verbo 3^. sali is a verbo 3^. [ext] scopri is a verbo 3^. To say (verbo - a verbo 1^): let prn be the printed name of verbo; let len be the number of characters in prn; replace character number len in prn with ""; if story tense is present tense: if the prior named object is the player: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "[prn]o"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "[prn]i"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: say "[prn]a"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "[prn]iamo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "[prn]ate"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "[prn]ano"; otherwise: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "[prn]ano"; otherwise: say "[prn]a"; otherwise if story tense is past tense: if the prior named object is the player: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "[prn]avo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "[prn]avi"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: say "[prn]ava"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "[prn]avamo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "[prn]avate"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "[prn]avano"; otherwise: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "[prn]avano"; otherwise: say "[prn]ava"; otherwise: if the prior named object is the player: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "[prn]erò"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "[prn]erai"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: say "[prn]erà"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "[prn]eremo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "[prn]erete"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "[prn]eranno"; otherwise: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "[prn]eranno"; otherwise: say "[prn]erà". To say (verbo - a verbo 2^): let prn be the printed name of verbo; let len be the number of characters in prn; replace character number len in prn with ""; if story tense is present tense: if the prior named object is the player: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "[prn]o"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "[prn]i"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: say "[prn]e"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "[prn]iamo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "[prn]ete"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "[prn]ono"; otherwise: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "[prn]ono"; otherwise: say "[prn]e"; otherwise if story tense is past tense: if the prior named object is the player: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "[prn]evo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "[prn]evi"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: say "[prn]eva"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "[prn]evamo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "[prn]evate"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "[prn]evano"; otherwise: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "[prn]evano"; otherwise: say "[prn]eva"; otherwise: if the prior named object is the player: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "[prn]erò"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "[prn]erai"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: say "[prn]erà"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "[prn]eremo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "[prn]erete"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "[prn]eranno"; otherwise: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "[prn]eranno"; otherwise: say "[prn]erà". To say (verbo - a verbo 3^): let prn be the printed name of verbo; let len be the number of characters in prn; replace character number len in prn with ""; if story tense is present tense: if the prior named object is the player: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "[prn]o"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "[prn]i"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: say "[prn]e"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "[prn]iamo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "[prn]ite"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "[prn]ono"; otherwise: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "[prn]ono"; otherwise: say "[prn]e"; otherwise if story tense is past tense: if the prior named object is the player: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "[prn]ivo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "[prn]ivi"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: say "[prn]iva"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "[prn]ivamo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "[prn]ivate"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "[prn]ivano"; otherwise: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "[prn]ivano"; otherwise: say "[prn]iva"; otherwise: if the prior named object is the player: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "[prn]irò"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "[prn]irai"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: say "[prn]irà"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "[prn]iremo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "[prn]irete"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "[prn]iranno"; otherwise: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "[prn]iranno"; otherwise: say "[prn]irà". To say sei: if story tense is present tense: if the prior named object is the player: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "sono"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "sei"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: say "è"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "siamo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "siete"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "sono"; otherwise: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "sono"; otherwise: say "è"; otherwise if story tense is past tense: if the prior named object is the player: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "ero"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "eri"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: say "era"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "eravamo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "eravate"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "erano"; otherwise: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "erano"; otherwise: say "era"; otherwise: if the prior named object is the player: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "sarò"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "sarai"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: say "sarà"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "saremo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "sarete"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "saranno"; otherwise: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "saranno"; otherwise: say "sarà". To say hai: if story tense is present tense: if the prior named object is the player: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "ho"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "hai"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: say "ha"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "abbiamo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "avete"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "hanno"; otherwise: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "hanno"; otherwise: say "ha"; otherwise if story tense is past tense: if the prior named object is the player: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "avevo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "avevi"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: say "aveva"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "avevamo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "avevate"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "avevano"; otherwise: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "erano"; otherwise: say "era"; otherwise: if the prior named object is the player: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "avrò"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "avrai"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: say "avrà"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "avremo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "avrete"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "avranno"; otherwise: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "avranno"; otherwise: say "avrà". To say stai: if story tense is present tense: if the prior named object is the player: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "sto"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "stai"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: say "sta"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "stiamo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "state"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "stanno"; otherwise: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "stanno"; otherwise: say "stai"; otherwise if story tense is past tense: if the prior named object is the player: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "stavo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "stavi"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: say "stava"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "stavamo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "stavate"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "stavano"; otherwise: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "stavano"; otherwise: say "stava"; otherwise: if the prior named object is the player: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "starò"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "starai"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: say "starà"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "staremo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "starete"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "staranno"; otherwise: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "staranno"; otherwise: say "starà". To say puoi: if story tense is present tense: if the prior named object is the player: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "posso"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "puoi"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: say "può"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "possiamo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "potete"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "possono"; otherwise: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "possono"; otherwise: say "può"; otherwise if story tense is past tense: if the prior named object is the player: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "potevo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "potevi"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: say "poteva"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "potevamo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "potevate"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "potevano"; otherwise: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "potevano"; otherwise: say "poteva"; otherwise: if the prior named object is the player: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "potrò"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "potrai"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: say "potrà"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "potremo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "potrete"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "potranno"; otherwise: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "potranno"; otherwise: say "potrà"; To say devi: if story tense is present tense: if the prior named object is the player: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "devo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "devi"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: say "deve"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "dobbiamo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "dovete"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "devono"; otherwise: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "devono"; otherwise: say "deve"; otherwise if story tense is past tense: if the prior named object is the player: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "dovevo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "dovevi"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: say "doveva"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "dovevamo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "dovevate"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "dovevano"; otherwise: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "dovevano"; otherwise: say "doveva"; otherwise: if the prior named object is the player: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "dovrò"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "dovrai"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: say "dovrà"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "dovremo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "dovrete"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "dovranno"; otherwise: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "dovranno"; otherwise: say "dovrà"; To say fai: if story tense is present tense: if the prior named object is the player: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "faccio"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "fai"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: say "fa"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "facciamo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "fate"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "fanno"; otherwise: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "fanno"; otherwise: say "fa"; otherwise if story tense is past tense: if the prior named object is the player: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "facevo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "facevi"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: say "faceva"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "facevamo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "facevate"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "facevano"; otherwise: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "facevano"; otherwise: say "faceva"; otherwise: if the prior named object is the player: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "farò"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "farai"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: say "farà"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "faremo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "farete"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "faranno"; otherwise: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "faranno"; otherwise: say "farà"; To say vai: if story tense is present tense: if the prior named object is the player: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "vado"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "vai"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: say "va"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "andiamo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "andate"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "vanno"; otherwise: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "vanno"; otherwise: say "va"; otherwise if story tense is past tense: if the prior named object is the player: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "andavo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "andavi"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: say "andava"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "andavamo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "andavate"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "andavano"; otherwise: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "andavano"; otherwise: say "andava"; otherwise: if the prior named object is the player: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "andrò"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "andrai"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: say "andrà"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "andremo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "andrete"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "andranno"; otherwise: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "andranno"; otherwise: say "andrà"; To say esci: if story tense is present tense: if the prior named object is the player: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "esco"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "esci"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: say "esce"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "usciamo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "uscite"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "escono"; otherwise: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "escono"; otherwise: say "esce"; otherwise if story tense is past tense: if the prior named object is the player: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "uscivo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "uscivi"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: say "usciva"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "uscivamo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "uscivate"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "uscivano"; otherwise: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "uscivano"; otherwise: say "usciva"; otherwise: if the prior named object is the player: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "uscirò"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "uscirai"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: say "uscirà"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "usciremo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "uscirete"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "usciranno"; otherwise: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "usciranno"; otherwise: say "uscirà"; To say tieni: if story tense is present tense: if the prior named object is the player: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "tengo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "tieni"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: say "tiene"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "teniamo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "tenete"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "tengono"; otherwise: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "tengono"; otherwise: say "tiene"; otherwise if story tense is past tense: if the prior named object is the player: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "tenevo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "tenevi"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: say "teneva"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "tenevamo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "tenevate"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "tenevano"; otherwise: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "tenevano"; otherwise: say "teneva"; otherwise: if the prior named object is the player: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "terrò"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "terrai"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: say "terrà"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "terremo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "terrete"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "terranno"; otherwise: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "terranno"; otherwise: say "terrà"; To say possiedi: if story tense is present tense: if the prior named object is the player: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "posseggo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "possiedi"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: say "possiede"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "possediamo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "possedete"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "possiedono"; otherwise: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "possiedono"; otherwise: say "possiede"; otherwise if story tense is past tense: if the prior named object is the player: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "possedevo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "possedevi"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: say "possedeva"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "possedevamo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "possedevate"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "possedevano"; otherwise: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "possedevano"; otherwise: say "possedeva"; otherwise: if the prior named object is the player: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "possederò"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "possederai"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: say "possederete"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "possederemo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "possederete"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "possederanno"; otherwise: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "possederanno"; otherwise: say "possederà"; To say togli: if story tense is present tense: if the prior named object is the player: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "tolgo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "togli"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: say "toglie"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "togliamo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "togliete"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "tolgono"; otherwise: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "tolgono"; otherwise: say "toglie"; otherwise if story tense is past tense: if the prior named object is the player: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "toglievo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "toglievi"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: say "toglieva"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "toglievamo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "toglievate"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "toglievano"; otherwise: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "toglievano"; otherwise: say "toglieva"; otherwise: if the prior named object is the player: if the story viewpoint is first person singular: say "toglierò"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person singular: say "toglierai"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person singular: say "toglierete"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is first person plural: say "toglieremo"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is second person plural: say "toglierete"; otherwise if the story viewpoint is third person plural: say "toglieranno"; otherwise: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "toglieranno"; otherwise: say "toglierà"; [&&&] To say ci sei: if story tense is present tense: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "ci sono"; otherwise: say "c[']è"; otherwise if story tense is past tense: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "c[']erano"; otherwise: say "c[']era"; otherwise: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "ci saranno"; otherwise: say "ci sarà"; To say Ci sei: if story tense is present tense: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "Ci sono"; otherwise: say "C[']è"; otherwise if story tense is past tense: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "C[']erano"; otherwise: say "C[']era"; otherwise: if the prior named object is plural-named: say "Ci saranno"; otherwise: say "Ci sarà"; [&&& In Italian aperto is an adjective. In Italian chiuso is an adjective. In Italian vuoto is an adjective. In Italian acceso is an adjective. In Italian spento is an adjective. In Italian fissato is an adjective. In Italian preso is an adjective. In Italian rimasto is an adjective. In Italian lasciato is an adjective. In Italian commestibile is an adjective. In Italian indossato is an adjective. In Italian bloccato is an adjective. In Italian adatto is an adjective. In Italian interessato is an adjective. In Italian capace is an adjective. In Italian contenente is an adjective. In Italian ingombrante is an adjective. In Italian sveglio is an adjective. In Italian stesso is an adjective. In Italian salito is an adjective. In Italian saltato is an adjective. In Italian seduto is an adjective. In Italian entrato is an adjective. In Italian sceso is an adjective. In Italian alzato is an adjective. In Italian uscito is an adjective. In Italian tolto is an adjective. &&&] An aggettivo is a kind of object. aperto is an aggettivo. chiuso is an aggettivo. vuoto is an aggettivo. acceso is an aggettivo. spento is an aggettivo. fissato is an aggettivo. preso is an aggettivo. rimasto is an aggettivo. lasciato is an aggettivo. commestibile is an aggettivo. indossato_ is an aggettivo. bloccato is an aggettivo. adatto is an aggettivo. interessato is an aggettivo. capace is an aggettivo. contenente is an aggettivo. ingombrante is an aggettivo. sveglio is an aggettivo. stesso is an aggettivo. salito is an aggettivo. saltato is an aggettivo. seduto is an aggettivo. entrato is an aggettivo. sceso is an aggettivo. alzato is an aggettivo. uscito is an aggettivo. tolto is an aggettivo. To say (agg - an aggettivo): let prn be the printed name of agg; let len be the number of characters in prn; let last be the character number len in prn; if last is "_": replace character number len in prn with ""; now len is len minus 1; now last is the character number len in prn; if last is "o": if the prior named object is plural-named: if the prior named object is female: replace character number len in prn with "e"; otherwise: replace character number len in prn with "i"; otherwise: if the prior named object is female: replace character number len in prn with "a"; otherwise if last is "e": if the prior named object is plural-named: replace character number len in prn with "i"; say "[prn]". [&&&] To say sei entrato: if the player's command includes "sali": say "[sei][salito]"; otherwise if the player's command includes "salta": say "[sei][saltato]"; otherwise if the player's command includes "siedi" or the player's command includes "siediti": say "[ti][sei][seduto]"; otherwise: say "[sei][entrato]"; To say sei uscito: if the player's command includes "scendi": say "[sei][sceso]"; otherwise if the player's command includes "alzati": say "[ti][sei][alzato]"; otherwise: say "[sei][uscito]"; To say Ora: let t be "[ora]"; say "[t in sentence case]"; To say ora: if story tense is present tense: say "ora"; otherwise: say "allora"; To say Qui: let t be "[qui]"; say "[t in sentence case]"; To say qui: if story tense is present tense: say "qui"; otherwise: say "là"; To say Su-In the (t - a thing): let s be "[su-in the t]"; say "[s in sentence case]"; To say su-in the (t - a thing): if t is a container: say "[inp the t]"; otherwise: say "[sup the t]"; Maiuscolo-ON is a truth state that varies. Maiuscolo-ON is usually false. to say maiuscolo: if Maiuscolo-ON is true: now Maiuscolo-ON is false; stop capturing text; say "[captured text]" in sentence case; otherwise: now Maiuscolo-ON is true; start capturing text; Section - Standard actions concerning the actor's possessions [Taking inventory , Taking , Removing it from , Dropping , Putting it on , Inserting it into , Eating ] [ Taking inventory ] Print empty inventory rule response (A) is "[regarding the player]Non [stai] portando nulla con [te]." Print standard inventory rule response (A) is "[regarding the player][Ora][stai] portando con [te]:[line break]". Report other people taking inventory rule response (A) is "[The actor][guardi] tra la [sua-loro] roba.". [ Taking ] Can't take yourself rule response (A) is "[regarding the player][maiuscolo][sei][maiuscolo] sempre con [te]." Can't take other people rule response (A) is "[regarding the player]Non [puoi] prendere [the noun]." Can't take component parts rule response (A) is "[The noun][fai] parte [dip the whole]." Can't take people's possessions rule response (A) is "[The noun] appar[tieni][ap the owner]." Can't take items out of play rule response (A) is "[The noun] non [sei] a [tua] disposizione." Can't take what you're inside rule response (A) is "Prima dovresti [if noun is a supporter]scendere[otherwise]uscire[end if][dap the noun]."[$$$ verbo anche al plurale] Can't take what's already taken rule response (A) is "[The noun][sei] già in [regarding the player][tuo] possesso." Can't take scenery rule response (A) is "[The noun] non si [puoi] trasportare." Can only take things rule response (A) is "[The noun][sei] fuori dalla [tua] portata." Can't take what's fixed in place rule response (A) is "[The noun][sei][fissato] al proprio posto." Use player's holdall to avoid exceeding carrying capacity rule response (A) is "(prima [regarding the player][metti] qualcosa [inp the current working sack] per fare spazio)[command clarification break]". Can't exceed carrying capacity rule response (A) is "[regarding the player]Non [puoi] portare altro." Standard report taking rule response (A) is "[regarding the player][maiuscolo][Hai][maiuscolo] preso [the noun]." Standard report taking rule response (B) is "[The actor][prendi][the noun]." [ Removing it from ] Can't remove what's not inside rule response (A) is "[regarding the noun]Non ne [sei][rimasto] più." Can't remove from people rule response (A) is "[The noun][sei][dip the owner]." [ Dropping ] Can't drop yourself rule response (A) is "[regarding the player]Non [puoi] riuscirci." Can't drop body parts rule response (A) is "[regarding the player]Non [puoi] lasciare [the noun]." Can't drop what's already dropped rule response (A) is "[The noun][sei] già [qui]." Can't drop what's not held rule response (A) is "[regarding the player]Non [possiedi][the noun]." Can't drop clothes being worn rule response (A) is "(prima [regarding the player][togli][the noun])[command clarification break]". Can't drop if this exceeds carrying capacity rule response (A) is "Non [regarding nothing][ci sei] più spazio [sup the receptacle]." Can't drop if this exceeds carrying capacity rule response (B) is "Non [regarding nothing][ci sei] più spazio [inp the receptacle]." Standard report dropping rule response (A) is "[regarding the player][maiuscolo][Hai][maiuscolo] lasciato [the noun]." Standard report dropping rule response (B) is "[The actor][hai] lasciato [the noun]." [ Putting it on ] [Can't put what's not held rule response (A) is "Prima di poter mettere [the noun] sopra a qualcos'altro sarebbe il caso di aver[lo] nell'inventario."][DEPRECATED] Can't put something on itself rule response (A) is "[regarding the player]Non [puoi] mettere [the noun] sopra se [stesso]." Can't put onto what's not a supporter rule response (A) is "[regarding the player]Non [puoi] mettere [the noun][sup the second noun]." Can't put clothes being worn rule response (A) is "(prima [regarding the player][togli][the noun])[command clarification break]". Can't put if this exceeds carrying capacity rule response (A) is "Non [regarding nothing][ci sei] più spazio [sup the second noun]." Concise report putting rule response (A) is "[regarding the player][maiuscolo][Hai][maiuscolo] messo [the noun][su-in the second noun]." Standard report putting rule response (A) is "[if the actor is the player][regarding the player][maiuscolo][Hai][maiuscolo][otherwise][The actor][hai][end if] messo [the noun][su-in the second noun]." [ Inserting it into ] Can't insert something into itself rule response (A) is "Non [regarding the player][puoi] mettere [the noun] dentro se [stesso]." Can't insert into closed containers rule response (A) is "Non [regarding the player][puoi] mettere [the noun][inp the second noun] perché [regarding the second noun][sei][chiuso]." Can't insert into what's not a container rule response (A) is "Non [regarding the player][puoi] mettere [the noun][inp the second noun] perché non [regarding the second noun][puoi] contenere oggetti." Can't insert clothes being worn rule response (A) is "(prima [regarding the player][togli][the noun])[command clarification break]". Can't insert if this exceeds carrying capacity rule response (A) is "[regarding nothing]Non [ci sei] più spazio [inp the second noun]." Concise report inserting rule response (A) is "Fatto." Standard report inserting rule response (A) is "[if the actor is the player][regarding the player][maiuscolo][Hai][maiuscolo][otherwise][The actor][hai][end if] messo [the noun][su-in the second noun]." [ Eating ] Can't eat unless edible rule response (A) is "Non [regarding the player][puoi] mangiare [the noun] perché non [regarding the noun][sei][commestibile]." Can't eat clothing without removing it first rule response (A) is "(prima [regarding the player][togli][the noun])[command clarification break]". Can't eat other people's food rule response (A) is "Non [regarding the player][puoi] mangiare [the noun][dip the owner]." Standard report eating rule response (A) is "[regarding the player][maiuscolo][Hai][maiuscolo] mangiato [the noun]." Standard report eating rule response (B) is "[if the actor is the player][regarding the player][maiuscolo][Hai][maiuscolo][otherwise][The actor][hai][end if] mangiato [the noun]." Section - Standard actions which move the actor [Going , Entering , Exiting , Getting off] [ Going ] Stand up before going rule response (A) is "(prima [regarding the player][scendi][dap the chaise])[command clarification break]". Can't travel in what's not a vehicle rule response (A) is "Prima [regarding the player][devi] scendere [dap the nonvehicle]." Can't travel in what's not a vehicle rule response (B) is "Prima [regarding the player][devi] uscire [dap the nonvehicle]." Can't go through undescribed doors rule response (A) is "Non [regarding the player][puoi] andare da quella parte." Can't go through closed doors rule response (A) is "(prima [regarding the player][apri][the door gone through])[command clarification break]". Can't go that way rule response (A) is "Non [regarding the player][puoi] andare da quella parte." Can't go that way rule response (B) is "Non [regarding the player][puoi] andare da quella parte, visto che [the door gone through][sei] un vicolo cieco." Describe room gone into rule response (A) is "[if the actor is the player][regarding the player][maiuscolo][Vai][maiuscolo][otherwise][The actor][vai][end if] su." Describe room gone into rule response (B) is "[if the actor is the player][regarding the player][maiuscolo][Vai][maiuscolo][otherwise][The actor][vai][end if] giù." Describe room gone into rule response (C) is "[if the actor is the player][regarding the player][maiuscolo][Vai][maiuscolo][otherwise][The actor][vai][end if] verso [the noun]." Describe room gone into rule response (D) is "[if the actor is the player][regarding the player][maiuscolo][Arrivi][maiuscolo][otherwise][The actor][arrivi][end if] dall'alto." Describe room gone into rule response (E) is "[if the actor is the player][regarding the player][maiuscolo][Arrivi][maiuscolo][otherwise][The actor][arrivi][end if] dal basso." Describe room gone into rule response (F) is "[if the actor is the player][regarding the player][maiuscolo][Arrivi][maiuscolo][otherwise][The actor][arrivi][end if][dap the door gone through]". Describe room gone into rule response (G) is "[if the actor is the player][regarding the player][maiuscolo][Arrivi][maiuscolo][otherwise][The actor][arrivi][end if] ." Describe room gone into rule response (H) is "[if the actor is the player][regarding the player][maiuscolo][Arrivi][maiuscolo][otherwise][The actor][arrivi][end if][ap the room gone to] dal basso." Describe room gone into rule response (I) is "[if the actor is the player][regarding the player][maiuscolo][Arrivi][maiuscolo][otherwise][The actor][arrivi][end if][ap the room gone to] dal basso." Describe room gone into rule response (J) is "[if the actor is the player][regarding the player][maiuscolo][Arrivi][maiuscolo][otherwise][The actor][arrivi][end if][ap the room gone to][dap the door gone through]." Describe room gone into rule response (K) is "[if the actor is the player][regarding the player][maiuscolo][Vai][maiuscolo][otherwise][The actor][vai][end if] attraverso [the noun]". Describe room gone into rule response (L) is "[if the actor is the player][regarding the player][maiuscolo][Arrivi][maiuscolo][otherwise][The actor][arrivi][end if][dap the noun]". Describe room gone into rule response (M) is "[sup the vehicle gone by]". Describe room gone into rule response (N) is "[inp the vehicle gone by]". Describe room gone into rule response (O) is ", spingendo [the thing gone with], e anche [te][stesso]". Describe room gone into rule response (P) is ", spingendo [the thing gone with]". Describe room gone into rule response (Q) is ", spingendo [the thing gone with] via". Describe room gone into rule response (R) is ", spingendo [the thing gone with] dentro". Describe room gone into rule response (S) is ", portando[ti] appresso". [ Entering ] The can't enter what's not enterable rule is not listed in any rulebook. Check an actor entering (this is the italian can't enter what's not enterable rule): if the noun is not enterable: if the player is the actor: if the player's command includes "sali": say "Non [regarding the player]ci [puoi] salire." (A); otherwise if the player's command includes "siedi": say "Non [regarding the player][ti] ci [puoi] sedere." (B); otherwise if the player's command includes "sdraiati": say "Non [regarding the player][ti] ci [puoi] sdraiare." (C); otherwise if the player's command includes "salta": say "Non [regarding the player]ci [puoi] saltare su." (E); otherwise: say "Non [regarding the player]ci [puoi] entrare." (D); stop the action. [ Can't enter what's not enterable rule response (A) is "Non [regarding the player]ci [puoi] salire." Can't enter what's not enterable rule response (B) is "Non [regarding the player][ti] ci [puoi] sedere." Can't enter what's not enterable rule response (C) is "Non [regarding the player][ti] ci [puoi] sdraiare." Can't enter what's not enterable rule response (D) is "Non [regarding the player]ci [puoi] entrare." ] Can't enter what's already entered rule response (A) is "[regarding the player][maiuscolo][Sei][maiuscolo] già [sup the noun]." Can't enter what's already entered rule response (B) is "[regarding the player][maiuscolo][Sei][maiuscolo] già [inp the noun]." Can't enter closed containers rule response (A) is "Non [regarding the player][puoi] entrare [inp the noun] perché [sei][chiuso]." Can't enter something carried rule response (A) is "Non [regarding the player][puoi] entrare [inp the noun] perché [lo][regarding the player][tieni] in mano." Implicitly pass through other barriers rule response (A) is "([regarding the player][scendi][dap the current home])[command clarification break]". Implicitly pass through other barriers rule response (B) is "([regarding the player][esci][dap the current home])[command clarification break]". Implicitly pass through other barriers rule response (C) is "([regarding the player][sali][sup the target])[command clarification break]". Implicitly pass through other barriers rule response (D) is "([regarding the player][entri][inp the target])[command clarification break]". Implicitly pass through other barriers rule response (E) is "([regarding the player][entri][inp the target])[command clarification break]". Standard report entering rule response (A) is "[regarding the player][maiuscolo][Sei entrato][maiuscolo][sup the noun]." Standard report entering rule response (B) is "[regarding the player][maiuscolo][Sei entrato][maiuscolo][inp the noun]." Standard report entering rule response (C) is "[The actor][sei entrato][inp the noun]." Standard report entering rule response (D) is "[The actor][sei entrato][sup the noun]." [ Exiting ] Can't exit when not inside anything rule response (A) is "[Ora] non [regarding the player][sei] dentro [if the noun is nothing]a nulla[otherwise][ap the noun][end if]." Can't exit closed containers rule response (A) is "Non [regarding the player][puoi] uscire [dap the cage] perché [sei][chiuso]." Standard report exiting rule response (A) is "[regarding the player][maiuscolo][Sei uscito][maiuscolo][dap the container exited from]." Standard report exiting rule response (B) is "[regarding the player][maiuscolo][Sei uscito][maiuscolo][dap the container exited from]." Standard report exiting rule response (C) is "[The actor][sei uscito][dap the container exited from]." [ Getting off ] Can't get off things rule response (A) is "[Ora] non [regarding the player][sei][sup the noun]." Standard report getting off rule response (A) is "[if the actor is the player][regarding the player][maiuscolo][Sei uscito][maiuscolo][otherwise][The actor][sei uscito][end if][dap the noun]." Section - Standard actions concerning the actor's vision [Looking , Examining , Looking under , Searching , Consulting it about] [ Looking ] Room description heading rule response (A) is "Buio completo". Room description heading rule response (B) is " (sopra [the intermediate level])". Room description heading rule response (C) is " (dentro [the intermediate level])". Room description body text rule response (A) is "L'oscurità avvolge tutto. Non [regarding the player][puoi] vedere nulla." Other people looking rule response (A) is "[The actor] si [guardi] attorno." [ Examining ] Examine directions rule response (A) is "[regarding the player]Non [vedi] nulla di particolare in quella direzione." Examine containers rule response (A) is "Dentro [the noun] ". Examine containers rule response (B) is "[The noun][sei][vuoto]." Examine supporters rule response (A) is "Sopra [the noun] ". Examine devices rule response (A) is "[Ora][the noun][sei][if the noun is switched on][acceso][otherwise][spento][end if]." Examine undescribed things rule response (A) is "[regarding the player]Non [trovi] nulla di particolare [inp the noun]." Report other people examining rule response (A) is "[The actor][guardi] con attenzione [the noun]." [ Looking under ] Standard looking under rule response (A) is "[regarding the player]Non [trovi] nulla di interessante." Report other people looking under rule response (A) is "[The actor][guardi] sotto [ap the noun]." [ Searching ] Can't search unless container or supporter rule response (A) is "[regarding the player]Non [trovi] nulla di interessante." Can't search closed opaque containers rule response (A) is "Non [regarding the player][puoi] vederne l'interno visto che [the noun][sei][chiuso]." Standard search containers rule response (A) is "Dentro [the noun] ". Standard search containers rule response (B) is "[The noun][sei][vuoto]." Standard search supporters rule response (A) is "Sopra [the noun] ". Standard search supporters rule response (B) is "Non [regarding nothing][ci sei] nulla [sup the noun]." Report other people searching rule response (A) is "[The actor][ispezioni][the noun]." [ Consulting it about ] Block consulting rule response (A) is "[regarding the player]Non [scopri] nulla di interessante [sup the noun]." Block consulting rule response (B) is "[The actor][guardi] verso [the noun]." Section - Standard actions which change the state of things [Locking it with , Unlocking it with , Switching on , Switching off , Opening , Closing , Wearing , Taking off] [ Locking it with ] Can't lock without a lock rule response (A) is "[The noun] non si [puoi] bloccare." Can't lock what's already locked rule response (A) is "[Ora][the noun][sembri] già [chiuso]." Can't lock what's open rule response (A) is "Prima [regarding the player][devi] chiudere [the noun]." Can't lock without the correct key rule response (A) is "[regarding the second noun]Non [sembri][adatto] per bloccare [the noun]." Standard report locking rule response (A) is "[regarding the player][maiuscolo][Hai][maiuscolo] bloccato [the noun]." Standard report locking rule response (B) is "[The actor][hai] bloccato [the noun]." [ Unlocking it with ] Can't unlock without a lock rule response (A) is "[The noun] non si [puoi] sbloccare." Can't unlock what's already unlocked rule response (A) is "[Ora][the noun][sei][aperto]." Can't unlock without the correct key rule response (A) is "[The second noun] non [sembri][adatto] per sbloccare [the noun]." Standard report unlocking rule response (A) is "[regarding the player][maiuscolo][Hai][maiuscolo] sbloccato [the noun]." Standard report unlocking rule response (B) is "[The actor][hai] sbloccato [the noun]." [ Switching on ] Can't switch on unless switchable rule response (A) is "[The noun] non si [puoi] accendere." Can't switch on what's already on rule response (A) is "[The noun][sei] già [acceso]." Standard report switching on rule response (A) is "[if the actor is the player][regarding the player][maiuscolo][Hai][maiuscolo][otherwise][The actor][hai][end if] acceso [the noun]." [ Switching off ] Can't switch off unless switchable rule response (A) is "[The noun] non si [puoi] spegnere." Can't switch off what's already off rule response (A) is "[The noun][sei] già [spento]." Standard report switching off rule response (A) is "[if the actor is the player][regarding the player][maiuscolo][Hai][maiuscolo][otherwise][The actor][hai][end if] spento [the noun]." [ Opening ] Can't open unless openable rule response (A) is "[The noun] non si [puoi] aprire." Can't open what's locked rule response (A) is "[The noun][sembri][bloccato]." Can't open what's already open rule response (A) is "[The noun][sei] già [aperto]." Reveal any newly visible interior rule response (A) is "[regarding the player][maiuscolo][Hai][maiuscolo] aperto [the noun] trovando ". Standard report opening rule response (A) is "[regarding the player][maiuscolo][Hai][maiuscolo] aperto [the noun]." Standard report opening rule response (B) is "[The actor][hai] aperto[the noun]." Standard report opening rule response (C) is "[The noun] si [sei][aperto]." [ Closing ] Can't close unless openable rule response (A) is "[The noun] non si [puoi] chiudere." Can't close what's already closed rule response (A) is "[The noun][sei] già [chiuso]." Standard report closing rule response (A) is "[regarding the player][maiuscolo][Hai][maiuscolo] chiuso [the noun]." Standard report closing rule response (B) is "[The actor][hai] chiuso [the noun]." Standard report closing rule response (C) is "[The noun] si [sei][chiuso]." [ Wearing ] Can't wear what's not clothing rule response (A) is "[regarding the player]Non [puoi] indossare [the noun]." Can't wear what's not held rule response (A) is "[regarding the player]Non [puoi] indossare ciò che non [possiedi]." Can't wear what's already worn rule response (A) is "[regarding the player][maiuscolo][Indossi][maiuscolo] già [the noun]." Standard report wearing rule response (A) is "[regarding the player][maiuscolo][Hai][maiuscolo] indossato [the noun]." Standard report wearing rule response (B) is "[The actor][hai] indossato [the noun]." [ Taking off ] Can't take off what's not worn rule response (A) is "[regarding the player]Non [puoi] togliere ciò che non [indossi]." Standard report taking off rule response (A) is "[regarding the player][Ti][sei][tolto][the noun] di dosso." Standard report taking off rule response (B) is "[The actor][ti][sei][tolto][the noun] di dosso." Section - Standard actions concerning other people [Giving it to , Showing it to , Waking , Throwing it at , Attacking , Kissing , Answering it that , Telling it about , Asking it about , Asking it for] [ Giving it to ] Can't give what you haven't got rule response (A) is "[regarding the player]Non [puoi] dare ciò che non [possiedi]." Can't give to yourself rule response (A) is "[regarding the player][maiuscolo][possiedi][maiuscolo] già [the noun]." Can't give to a non-person rule response (A) is "[The second noun] non [puoi] ricevere [the noun]." Can't give clothes being worn rule response (A) is "(prima [regarding the player][ti][togli][the noun])[command clarification break]". Block giving rule response (A) is "[The second noun] non [sembri][interessato]." Standard report giving rule response (A) is "[regarding the player][maiuscolo][Hai][maiuscolo] dato [the noun][ap the second noun]." Standard report giving rule response (B) is "[The actor][regarding the player][ti][regarding the actor][hai] dato [the noun]." Standard report giving rule response (C) is "[The actor][hai] dato [the noun][ap the second noun]." [ Showing it to ] Can't show what you haven't got rule response (A) is "[regarding the player]Non [possiedi][the noun]." Block showing rule response (A) is "[The second noun] non [sei][interessato]." [ Waking ] Block waking rule response (A) is "[regarding the player]Non [puoi] farlo." [ Throwing it at ] Implicitly remove thrown clothing rule response (A) is "(prima [regarding the player][ti][togli][the noun])[command clarification break]". Futile to throw things at inanimate objects rule response (A) is "Inutile." Block throwing at rule response (A) is "[regarding the player]Non [puoi] farlo." [ Attacking ] Block attacking rule response (A) is "[regarding the player]Non [puoi] farlo." [ Kissing ] Kissing yourself rule response (A) is "[regarding the player]Non [puoi] farlo." Block kissing rule response (A) is "Non [regarding the player][puoi] baciare [the noun]." [ Answering it that ] Block answering rule response (A) is "Nessuna risposta." [ Telling it about ] Telling yourself rule response (A) is "[regarding the player][maiuscolo][Parli][maiuscolo] da solo?" Block telling rule response (A) is "Nessuna reazione." [ Asking it about ] Block asking rule response (A) is "Nessuna risposta." Section - Standard actions which are checked but then do nothing unless rules intervene [ Waiting ] Standard report waiting rule response (A) is "Il tempo [regarding nothing][passi]." Standard report waiting rule response (B) is "[The actor][aspetti]." [ Touching ] Report touching yourself rule response (A) is "Non [regarding the player][hai] ottenuto nulla." Report touching yourself rule response (B) is "[The actor][hai] toccato se [stesso]." Report touching other people rule response (A) is "Non [regarding the player][puoi] toccare [the noun]." Report touching other people rule response (B) is "[The actor][regarding the player][ti][regarding the actor][hai] toccato." Report touching other people rule response (C) is "[The actor][hai] toccato [the noun]." Report touching things rule response (A) is "[regarding the player]Non [hai] sentito nulla di strano." Report touching things rule response (B) is "[The actor][hai] toccato [the noun]." [ Waving ] Can't wave what's not held rule response (A) is "[regarding the player]Non [puoi] sbandierare [the noun]." Report waving things rule response (A) is "[regarding the player][maiuscolo][Hai][maiuscolo] agitato [the noun]." Report waving things rule response (B) is "[The actor][hai] agitato [the noun]." [ Pulling ] Can't pull what's fixed in place rule response (A) is "[The noun][sei][fissato] al proprio posto." Can't pull scenery rule response (A) is "Non [regarding the player][puoi]." Can't pull people rule response (A) is "Non [regarding the player][puoi] tirare [the noun]." Report pulling rule response (A) is "Nessuna reazione." Report pulling rule response (B) is "[The actor][hai] tirato [the noun]." [ Pushing ] Can't push what's fixed in place rule response (A) is "[The noun][sei][fissato] al proprio posto." Can't push scenery rule response (A) is "Non [regarding the player][puoi]." Can't push people rule response (A) is "Non [regarding the player][puoi] spingere [the noun]." Report pushing rule response (A) is "Nessun effetto." Report pushing rule response (B) is "[The actor][hai] spinto [the noun]." [ Turning ] Can't turn what's fixed in place rule response (A) is "[The noun][sei][fissato] al proprio posto." Can't turn scenery rule response (A) is "Non [regarding the player][puoi]." Can't turn people rule response (A) is "Non [regarding the player][puoi] girare [the noun]." Report turning rule response (A) is "Nessuna reazione." Report turning rule response (B) is "[The actor][hai] girato [the noun]." [ Pushing it to ] Can't push unpushable things rule response (A) is "[The noun] non si [puoi] spostare." Can't push to non-directions rule response (A) is "[regarding the noun]Non [sei] una direzione." Can't push vertically rule response (A) is "[The noun] non si [puoi] sollevare." Block pushing in directions rule response (A) is "[The noun] non si [puoi] spostare." [ Squeezing ] Innuendo about squeezing people rule response (A) is "Non [regarding the player][puoi] strizzare [the noun]." Report squeezing rule response (A) is "[regarding the player]Non [hai] ottenuto nulla." Report squeezing rule response (B) is "[The actor][hai] strizzato [the noun]." Section - Standard actions which always do nothing unless rules intervene [Saying yes , Saying no , Burning , Waking up , Thinking , Smelling , Listening to , Tasting , Cutting , Jumping , Tying it to , Drinking , Saying sorry , Swinging , Rubbing , Setting it to , Waving hands , Buying , Climbing , Sleeping] [ Saying yes ] Block saying yes rule response (A) is "[regarding nothing][maiuscolo][Sei][maiuscolo] una domanda retorica." [ Saying no ] Block saying no rule response (A) is "[regarding nothing][maiuscolo][Sei][maiuscolo] una domanda retorica." [ Burning ] Block burning rule response (A) is "A che scopo?" [ Waking up ] Block waking up rule response (A) is "[regarding the player][maiuscolo][Sei][maiuscolo] già [sveglio]." [ Thinking ] Block thinking rule response (A) is "Buona idea." [ Smelling ] Report smelling rule response (A) is "[regarding the player]Non [hai] sentito nessun odore insolito." Report smelling rule response (B) is "[The actor][hai] annusato con attezione." [ Listening to ] Report listening rule response (A) is "[regarding the player]Non [hai] sentito nessun suono strano." Report listening rule response (B) is "[The actor][hai] ascoltato con attenzione." [ Tasting ] Report tasting rule response (A) is "[regarding the player]Non [hai] sentito nessun sapore particolare." Report tasting rule response (B) is "[The actor][hai] assaggiato [the noun]." [ Cutting ] Block cutting rule response (A) is "[regarding the player]Non [puoi] tagliare [the noun]." [ Jumping ] Report jumping rule response (A) is "[regarding the player][maiuscolo][Hai][maiuscolo] spiccato un salto." Report jumping rule response (B) is "[The actor][hai] spiccato un salto." [ Tying it to ] Block tying rule response (A) is "[regarding the player]Non [puoi] legare [the noun]." [ Drinking ] Block drinking rule response (A) is "Non [regarding nothing][ci sei] nulla da bere [qui]." [ Saying sorry ] Block saying sorry rule response (A) is "Nessuna scusa." [ Swinging ] Block swinging rule response (A) is "Non [regarding nothing][ci sei] nulla da far ondeggiare [qui]." [ Rubbing ] Can't rub another person rule response (A) is "Non [regarding the player][puoi] strofinare [the noun]." Report rubbing rule response (A) is "[regarding the player][maiuscolo][Hai][maiuscolo] strofinato [the noun]." Report rubbing rule response (B) is "[The actor][hai] strofinato [the noun]." [ Setting it to ] Block setting it to rule response (A) is "Niente da fare." [ Waving hands ] Report waving hands rule response (A) is "[regarding the player][maiuscolo][Hai][maiuscolo] agitato le mani." Report waving hands rule response (B) is "[The actor][hai] agitato le mani." [ Buying ] Block buying rule response (A) is "Nulla da comprare." [ Climbing ] Block climbing rule response (A) is "[regarding the player]Non [puoi] farlo." [ Sleeping ] Block sleeping rule response (A) is "Non [regarding nothing][sei] il momento." Section - Standard actions which happen out of world [Quitting the game , Saving the game , Restoring the game , Restarting the game , Verifying the story file , Switching the story transcript on , Switching the story transcript off , Requesting the story file version , Requesting the score , Preferring abbreviated room descriptions , Preferring unabbreviated room descriptions , Preferring sometimes abbreviated room descriptions , Switching score notification on , Switching score notification off , Requesting the pronoun meanings] [Quitting the game ] Quit the game rule response (A) is "Sei sicuro di voler uscire? ". [ Saving the game ] Save the game rule response (A) is "Salvataggio fallito." Save the game rule response (B) is "Ok." [ Restoring the game ] Restore the game rule response (A) is "Caricamento fallito." Restore the game rule response (B) is "Ok." [ Restarting the game ] Restart the game rule response (A) is "Sei sicuro di voler ricominciare? ". Restart the game rule response (B) is "Fallito." [ Verifying the story file ] Verify the story file rule response (A) is "La storia è stata controllata ed è integra." Verify the story file rule response (B) is "La storia è stata controllata, ma potrebbe essere corrotta." [ Switching the story transcript on ] Switch the story transcript on rule response (A) is "La trascrizione è già attiva." Switch the story transcript on rule response (B) is "Inizio della trascrizione per". Switch the story transcript on rule response (C) is "Tentativo di inizio trascrizione fallito. Potrebbero esserci delle incompatibilità con l'interprete adoperato." [ Switching the story transcript off ] Switch the story transcript off rule response (A) is "La trascrizione è già disattiva." Switch the story transcript off rule response (B) is "[line break]Termine della trascrizione." Switch the story transcript off rule response (C) is "Tentativo di termine della trascrizione fallito." [ Requesting the score ] Announce the score rule response (A) is "[if the story has ended]Nel gioco hai totalizzato[otherwise]Sinora hai totalizzato[end if][score] rispetto a un massimo di [maximum score], in [turn count] turn[if turn count is greater than 1]i[otherwise]o[end if]". Announce the score rule response (B) is ", conquistando il titolo di ". Announce the score rule response (C) is "Non c[']è un punteggio in questa storia." Announce the score rule response (D) is "[bracket]Il tuo punteggio è appena salito di [number understood in words].[close bracket]". Announce the score rule response (E) is "[bracket]Il tuo punteggio è appena diminuito di [number understood in words].[close bracket]". [ Preferring abbreviated room descriptions ] Standard report preferring abbreviated room descriptions rule response (A) is " è ora nella modalità 'superbrief', che fornisce sempre le descrizioni più brevi delle locazioni (anche di quelle inesplorate)." [ Preferring unabbreviated room descriptions ] Standard report preferring unabbreviated room descriptions rule response (A) is " è ora nella modalità 'verbose', che fornisce sempre le descrizioni più lunghe delle locazioni (anche di quelle già esplorate)." [ Preferring sometimes abbreviated room descriptions ] Standard report preferring sometimes abbreviated room descriptions rule response (A) is " è ora nella modalità 'brief', che fornisce descrizioni più lunghe per locazioni già esplorate e descrizioni più corte per i luoghi ancora inesplorati." [ Switching score notification on ] Standard report switching score notification on rule response (A) is "Notifica del punteggio attiva." [ Switching score notification off ] Standard report switching score notification off rule response (A) is "Notifica del punteggio disattiva." [ Requesting the pronoun meanings ] Announce the pronoun meanings rule response (A) is "Ora ". Announce the pronoun meanings rule response (B) is "significa ". Announce the pronoun meanings rule response (C) is "non è fissato". Announce the pronoun meanings rule response (D) is "nessun pronome è noto al gioco.". Section - Rule supplying a missing noun Block vaguely going rule response (A) is "Devi specificare la direzione in cui vuoi andare." Section - Final prompt Print the final prompt rule response (A) is "> [run paragraph on]". Section - Final question Print the final question rule response (A) is "Vorresti ". Print the final question rule response (B) is " oppure ". Standard respond to final question rule response (A) is "Per piacere, scegli una delle opzioni." Section - Printing the locale description You-can-also-see rule response (A) is "[Qui] ". You-can-also-see rule response (B) is "Sopra [the domain][regarding the player]". You-can-also-see rule response (C) is "Dentro [the domain][regarding the player]". You-can-also-see rule response (D) is "[regarding the player][puoi] anche vedere ". You-can-also-see rule response (E) is "[regarding the player][puoi] vedere ". You-can-also-see rule response (F) is "". Section - Printing a locale paragraph about a thing Use initial appearance in room descriptions rule response (A) is "Sopra [the item] ". Section - Printing a locale paragraph about a thing Describe what's on scenery supporters in room descriptions rule response (A) is "Sopra [the item] ". Section - Turn sequence rulebook Adjust light rule response (A) is "[Ora][regarding the player][sei] al buio.". Generate action rule response (A) is "(considerando solo i primi sedici oggetti)[command clarification break]". Generate action rule response (B) is "Nulla da fare.". Section - Action processing rules Basic accessibility rule response (A) is "Prova a nominare qualcosa di più specifico." Basic visibility rule response (A) is "E['] buio e non riesci a vedere nulla." Requested actions require persuasion rule response (A) is "[The noun][hai] altro da fare." Carry out requested actions rule response (A) is "[The noun] non [puoi] farlo." Section - Accessibility Access through barriers rule response (A) is "Fuori dalla portata." Can't reach inside closed containers rule response (A) is "[The noun] non [sei][aperto]." Can't reach inside rooms rule response (A) is "[regarding the player]Non [puoi] vedere dentro [the noun]." Can't reach outside closed containers rule response (A) is "[The noun] non [sei][aperto]." Section - List writer internal rule List writer internal rule response (A) is " (". List writer internal rule response (B) is ")". List writer internal rule response (C) is " e ". List writer internal rule response (D) is "[regarding the noun][acceso]". List writer internal rule response (E) is "[regarding the noun][chiuso]". List writer internal rule response (F) is "[regarding the noun][vuoto]". List writer internal rule response (G) is "[regarding the noun][chiuso] e [vuoto]". List writer internal rule response (H) is "[regarding the noun][chiuso] e [acceso]". List writer internal rule response (I) is "[regarding the noun][vuoto] e [acceso]". List writer internal rule response (J) is "[regarding the noun][chiuso], [vuoto][if serial comma option is active],[end if] e [acceso]". [&&& List writer internal rule response (K) is "[regarding the noun][acceso] e [indossato]". List writer internal rule response (L) is "[regarding the noun][indossato]". &&&] List writer internal rule response (K) is "[regarding the noun][acceso] e [indossato_]". List writer internal rule response (L) is "[regarding the noun][indossato_]". [&&&] List writer internal rule response (M) is "[regarding the noun][aperto]". List writer internal rule response (N) is "[regarding the noun][aperto] ma [vuoto]". List writer internal rule response (O) is "[regarding the noun][chiuso]". List writer internal rule response (P) is "[regarding the noun][chiuso] e [bloccato]". List writer internal rule response (Q) is "[regarding the noun][contenente]". List writer internal rule response (R) is "su cui ". List writer internal rule response (S) is ", su cui ". List writer internal rule response (T) is "in cui ". List writer internal rule response (U) is ", in cui ". List writer internal rule response (V) is "[regarding the player][vedi]". List writer internal rule response (W) is "[sei] niente". List writer internal rule response (X) is "Niente". List writer internal rule response (Y) is "niente". Section - Action processing internal rule Action processing internal rule response (A) is "[bracket]Questo comando permette di eseguire un[']azione al di fuori dal gioco. [The noun] non può reagire a tale richiesta.[close bracket]". Action processing internal rule response (B) is "Devi nominare un oggetto." Action processing internal rule response (C) is "Puoi non nominare un oggetto." Action processing internal rule response (D) is "Devi fornire un nome." Action processing internal rule response (E) is "Puoi non fornire un nome." Action processing internal rule response (F) is "Devi fornire un secondo oggetto." Action processing internal rule response (G) is "Puoi non fornire il secondo oggetto." Action processing internal rule response (H) is "Devi fornire un secondo nome." Action processing internal rule response (I) is "Puoi non fornire un secondo nome." Action processing internal rule response (J) is "(Visto che è accaduto qualcosa di drammatico, la tua lista dei comandi è stata abbreviata)" Section - Parser error internal rule Parser error internal rule response (A) is "Non ho capito la frase." Parser error internal rule response (B) is "Ho capito solo: ". Parser error internal rule response (C) is "Ho capito solo: ". Parser error internal rule response (D) is "Non ho compreso il numero." Parser error internal rule response (E) is "[Qui] non [regarding the player][puoi] vedere nulla del genere." Parser error internal rule response (F) is "Hai detto troppo poco." Parser error internal rule response (G) is "[Ora] non lo [possiedi]." Parser error internal rule response (H) is "Non puoi usare più di un oggetto con questo verbo." Parser error internal rule response (I) is "Puoi usare più di un oggetto per verbo solo una volta per ogni linea." Parser error internal rule response (J) is "Non capisco a cosa si riferisca [the noun]." Parser error internal rule response (K) is "[Ora] Non [regarding the player][puoi] vedere [the noun]." Parser error internal rule response (L) is "[regarding the player][maiuscolo][Hai][maiuscolo] chiesto qualcosa di impossibile." Parser error internal rule response (M) is "Questa azione è possibile solo con oggetti animati." Parser error internal rule response (N) is "Non è un verbo che conosco." Parser error internal rule response (O) is "Non è qualcosa di cui c[']è bisogno in questa storia." Parser error internal rule response (P) is "Non ho capito la fine della frase." Parser error internal rule response (Q) is "[if number understood is 0]Nessun[otherwise]Solo [number understood][end if] di questi [sei] a disposizione." Parser error internal rule response (R) is "Tale nome non ha alcun senso in questo contesto." Parser error internal rule response (S) is "Per ripetere un comando come 'rana, salta', occorre scrivere 'ancora', non 'rana, ancora'." Parser error internal rule response (T) is "Non si può iniziare con una virgola." Parser error internal rule response (U) is "Sembra che si voglia parlare a qualcuno, ma non capisco a chi." Parser error internal rule response (V) is "Non [regarding the player][puoi] parlare [ap the noun]." Parser error internal rule response (W) is "Per parlare a qualcuno, usare 'qualcuno, salve' o formule simili." Parser error internal rule response (X) is "Come? Ripeti per favore." Section - Darkness name internal rule Darkness name internal rule response (A) is "Buio" Section - Parser command internal rule Parser command internal rule response (A) is "Non può essere corretto." Parser command internal rule response (B) is "Non ci pensare nemmeno." Parser command internal rule response (C) is "'Oops' può correggere solo una parola." Parser command internal rule response (D) is "Per ripetere un comando come 'rana, salta', bastare dire 'ancora' e non 'rana, ancora'." [ Parser command internal rule response (E) is "Meglio se non lo ripeti." Parser command internal rule response (F) is "Non puoi iniziare con una virgola." Parser command internal rule response (G) is "Pare che tu voglia parlare a qualcuno ma non riesco a capire chi." Parser command internal rule response (H) is "Non puoi parlare [ap the noun]." Parser command internal rule response (I) is "Per parlare ad un tizio prova 'tizio, ciao' o qualcosa di simile." ][DEPRECATED?] Section - Parser clarification internal rule Parser clarification internal rule response (A) is "Chi intendi, ". Parser clarification internal rule response (B) is "Quale intendi, ". Parser clarification internal rule response (C) is "Scusami, puoi specificare un solo nome. Quale esattamente?". Parser clarification internal rule response (D) is "A chi vorresti [if the noun is not the player]che [the noun] applicasse[otherwise]applicare[end if] l'azione '[parser command so far]'?". Parser clarification internal rule response (E) is "[if the noun is not the player]Cosa vorresti che [the noun] facesse con '[parser command so far]'?[otherwise]'[maiuscolo][parser command so far][maiuscolo]' è troppo generico.[end if] Specifica qualcosa.". Parser clarification internal rule response (F) is "quelle cose". Parser clarification internal rule response (G) is "quello". Parser clarification internal rule response (H) is " o ". Section - Yes or no question internal rule Yes or no question internal rule response (A) is "Per favore, rispondi sì o no." Section - Print protagonist internal rule Print protagonist internal rule response (A) is "[Tu]". Print protagonist internal rule response (B) is "[te]". Print protagonist internal rule response (C) is "[te][stesso]". Section - Standard implicit taking rule Standard implicit taking rule response (A) is "(prima [regarding the player][prendi][the noun])[command clarification break]". Standard implicit taking rule response (B) is "([the second noun][prendi][the noun])[command clarification break]". Section - Player's obituary Print obituary headline rule response (A) is " Sei morto ". Print obituary headline rule response (B) is " Hai vinto ". Print obituary headline rule response (C) is " Fine ". Section - Immediately undo rule Immediately undo rule response (A) is "L'uso di 'undo' non è consentito in questo gioco." Immediately undo rule response (B) is "Non puoi usare 'undo' per ciò che non è ancora stato fatto.". Immediately undo rule response (C) is "Il tuo interprete non supporta 'undo'.". Immediately undo rule response (D) is "'Undo' fallito.". Immediately undo rule response (E) is "[bracket]Turno precedente annullato.[close bracket]". Chapter 3.1.2 - Rideable Vehicles (for use with Rideable Vehicles by Graham Nelson) Understand "monta [art-det][something]" as mounting. Understand "monta [something]" or "monta [su-art][something]" as mounting. Understand "smonta" as dismounting. In Italian montare is a verb. In Italian smontare is a verb. In Italian cavalcato is an adjective. In Italian montato is an adjective. can't mount when mounted on an animal rule response (A) is "[regarding the player][maiuscolo][Stai][maiuscolo] già cavalcando [the steed].". can't mount when mounted on a vehicle rule response (A) is "[regarding the player][maiuscolo][Sei][maiuscolo] già [montato][sup the conveyance].". can't mount something unrideable rule response (A) is "[The noun] non [puoi] essere [cavalcato].". standard report mounting rule response (A) is "[regarding the player][maiuscolo][Monti][maiuscolo][sup the noun].". standard report mounting rule response (B) is "[The actor][monti][sup the noun].". mounting excuses rule response (A) is "[The person asked][stai] già cavalcando [the steed].". mounting excuses rule response (B) is "[The person asked][sei] già [montato][sup the conveyance].". mounting excuses rule response (C) is "Non si [regarding nothing][puoi] montare [sup the noun].". can't dismount when not mounted rule response (A) is "Non [regarding the player][sei][montato] su nulla.". standard report dismounting rule response (A) is "[regarding the player][maiuscolo][Smonti][maiuscolo][dap the noun].[line break][run paragraph on]". standard report dismounting rule response (B) is "[The actor][smonti][dap the noun].". dismounting excuses rule response (A) is "[The person asked] non [sei][montato] su nulla.". Chapter 3.1.3 - Locksmith (for use with Locksmith by Emily Short) opening doors before entering rule response (A) is "(prima [regarding the player][apri][the blocking door])[command clarification break]". closing doors before locking rule response (A) is "(prima [regarding the player][chiudi][the door ajar])[command clarification break]". closing doors before locking keylessly rule response (A) is "(prima [regarding the player][chiudi][the door ajar])[command clarification break]". unlocking before opening rule response (A) is "(prima [regarding the player][sblocchi][the sealed chest])[command clarification break]". standard printing key lack rule response (A) is "[regarding the player]Non [possiedi] la chiave [dip the locked-thing].". right second rule response (A) is "[The second noun] non [apri][the noun].". standard keylessly unlocking rule response (A) is "(con [the key unlocked with])[command clarification break]". standard keylessly locking rule response (A) is "(con [the key locked with])[command clarification break]". identify passkeys in inventory rule response (A) is " (che [regarding the noun][apre][the list of things unbolted by the item])". passkey description rule response (A) is "[The noun][sblocchi][the list of things unbolted by the noun].". limiting keychains rule response (A) is "[The noun] non [are] una chiave.". must have accessible the noun rule response (A) is "Senza avere [the noun], [regarding the player] non [puoi] fare nulla.". must have accessible the second noun rule response (A) is "Senza avere [the second noun], [regarding the player] non [puoi] fare nulla.". lock debugging rule response (A) is "Sbloccando [the item].". report universal unlocking rule response (A) is "Tutto si [regarding nothing][sei] sbloccato.". Chapter 3.1.4 - Basic Screen Effects (for use with Basic Screen Effects by Emily Short) standard pausing the game rule response (A) is "[paragraph break]Premi SPAZIO per continuare.". Chapter 3.1.5 - Inanimate Listeners (for use with Inanimate Listeners by Emily Short) unsuccessful persuasion of inanimate objects rule response (A) is "[The target] non [puoi] agire come una persona.". Chapter 3.1.7 - Complex Listing (for use with Complex Listing by Emily Short) [ standard delimiting rule response (A): "[second delimiter entry]" standard delimiting rule response (B): "[alternate second delimiter entry]" standard delimiting rule response (C): "[first delimiter entry]" ] Part 3.2 - The Final Question Table of Final Question Options (replaced)
final question wordingonly if victorioustopicfinal response rulefinal response activity false"ricominciare"immediately restart the VM rule-- false"caricare"immediately restore saved game rule-- true"divertente"--amusing a victorious player false"uscire"immediately quit rule-- --false"undo"immediately undo rule--
Part 3.3 - The banner [Taken from the Spanish extension by Sebastian Arg - replaces "by" by "di".] Include (- [ Banner; !print (string) Story;!deprecated !print " / Inform 7 build ", (string) NI_BUILD_COUNT, " ";!deprecated BeginActivity(PRINTING_BANNER_TEXT_ACT); if (ForActivity(PRINTING_BANNER_TEXT_ACT) == false) { VM_Style(HEADER_VMSTY); TEXT_TY_Say(Story); VM_Style(NORMAL_VMSTY); new_line; TEXT_TY_Say(Headline); #ifdef Story_Author; !print " by "; TEXT_TY_Say(Story_Author); print " di "; TEXT_TY_Say(Story_Author);! infsp hack 'by' #endif; ! Story_Author new_line; VM_Describe_Release(); print " / Inform 7 build ", (PrintI6Text) NI_BUILD_COUNT, " "; print "(I6/v"; inversion; print " lib ", (PrintI6Text) LibRelease, ") "; #Ifdef STRICT_MODE; print "S"; #Endif; ! STRICT_MODE #Ifdef DEBUG; print "D"; #Endif; ! DEBUG new_line; } EndActivity(PRINTING_BANNER_TEXT_ACT); ]; -) instead of "Banner" in "Printing.i6t". Part 3.4 - The bibliographical data Section 3.4.1 - The bibliographical data (in place of Section SR2/6a - Unindexed Standard Rules variables - Unindexed in Standard Rules by Graham Nelson) The story title, the story author, the story headline, the story genre and the story description are text variables. The release number and the story creation year are number variables. The release number is usually 1. The story title is usually "Senza titolo". The story author is usually "Anonimo". The story headline is usually "Un[']opera di narrativa interattiva". The story genre is usually "Narrativa". The story title variable translates into I6 as "Story". Volume 4 - Command parsing Part 4.1 - Pronouns and possessives in commands [ Tali meccanismi sono ancora da implementare... ] Part 4.2.1 - Replacing English verbs [ Propósito: Para no incluir el bloque de gramaticas (y verbos) ingleses en el fuente (optimiza memoria)] Understand nothing as answering it that. Understand nothing as asking it about. Understand nothing as asking it for. Understand nothing as attacking. Understand nothing as burning. Understand nothing as buying. Understand nothing as climbing. Understand nothing as closing. Understand nothing as consulting it about. Understand nothing as cutting. Understand nothing as drinking. Understand nothing as dropping. Understand nothing as eating. Understand nothing as entering. Understand nothing as examining. Understand nothing as exiting. Understand nothing as getting off. Understand nothing as giving it to. Understand nothing as going. Understand nothing as inserting it into. Understand nothing as jumping. Understand nothing as kissing. Understand nothing as listening to. Understand nothing as locking it with. Understand nothing as looking under. Understand nothing as looking. Understand nothing as opening. Understand nothing as preferring abbreviated room descriptions. Understand nothing as preferring sometimes abbreviated room descriptions. Understand nothing as preferring unabbreviated room descriptions. Understand nothing as pulling. Understand nothing as pushing it to. Understand nothing as pushing. Understand nothing as putting it on. Understand nothing as quitting the game. Understand nothing as removing it from. Understand nothing as requesting the pronoun meanings. Understand nothing as requesting the score. Understand nothing as requesting the story file version. Understand nothing as restarting the game. Understand nothing as restoring the game. Understand nothing as rubbing. Understand nothing as saving the game. Understand nothing as saying no. Understand nothing as saying sorry. Understand nothing as saying yes. Understand nothing as searching. Understand nothing as setting it to. Understand nothing as showing it to. Understand nothing as sleeping. Understand nothing as smelling. Understand nothing as squeezing. Understand nothing as swinging. Understand nothing as switching off. Understand nothing as switching off. Understand nothing as switching on. Understand nothing as switching score notification off. Understand nothing as switching score notification on. Understand nothing as switching the story transcript off. Understand nothing as switching the story transcript on. Understand nothing as taking inventory. Understand nothing as taking off. Understand nothing as taking. Understand nothing as tasting. Understand nothing as telling it about. Understand nothing as thinking. Understand nothing as throwing it at. Understand nothing as touching. Understand nothing as turning. Understand nothing as tying it to. Understand nothing as unlocking it with. Understand nothing as verifying the story file. Understand nothing as waiting. Understand nothing as waking up. Understand nothing as waving hands. Understand nothing as waving. Understand nothing as wearing. Part 4.2.2 - Understand grammar [articoli e preposizioni articolate] Understand "uno/una/un" as "[art-ind]". Understand "il/lo/la/i/gli/le/l" as "[art-det]". Understand "da/dal/dallo/dalla/dai/dagli/dalle/dall" as "[da-art]". Understand "su/sul/sullo/sulla/sui/sugli/sulle/sull" as "[su-art]". Understand "in/nel/nello/nella/nei/negli/nelle/nell" as "[in-art]". Understand "a/al/allo/alla/ai/agli/alle/all" as "[a-art]". Understand "di/del/dello/della/dei/degli/delle/dell" as "[di-art]". Understand "con/col/coi/cogli/coll" and "con [art-det]" as "[con-art]". Understand "per [art-det]" and "per" as "[per-art]". Understand "tra [art-det]" and "tra" as "[tra-art]". Understand "fra [art-det]" and "fra" as "[fra-art]". Understand "[art-det]" and "[art-ind]" as "[any-art]" [Generali] Understand "attacca [things]" or "attacca [art-det][something]" as attacking. Understand "uccidi [things]" or "uccidi [art-det][something]" as attacking. Understand "prendi [things]" or "prendi [art-det][something]" as taking. Understand "mangia [things]" or "mangia [art-det][something]" as eating. Understand "bacia [things]" or "bacia [art-det][something]" as kissing. Understand "tocca [things]" or "tocca [art-det][something]" as touching. Understand "brucia [things]" or "brucia [art-det][something]" as burning. Understand "annusa" or "annusa [things]" or "annusa [art-det][something]" as smelling. Understand "bevi [things]" or "bevi [art-det][something]" as drinking. Understand "compra [things]" or "compra [art-det][something]" as buying. Understand "dormi" as sleeping. Understand "salta" as jumping. Understand "sveglia" or "svegliati" as waking up. Understand "sveglia [someone]" or "sveglia [art-det][someone]" as waking. Understand "brucia [things]" or "brucia [art-det][something]" as burning. Understand "agita le mani" as waving hands. Understand "agita [things]" or "agita [art-det][something]" as waving. Understand "colpisci [art-det][something]" or "colpisci [things]" as swinging. Understand "spremi [someone]" or "spremi [art-det][something]" as squeezing. Understand "strizza [someone]" or "strizza [art-det][something]" as squeezing. Understand "ascolta" as listening. Understand "ascolta [things]" or "ascolta [art-det][something]" as listening to. Understand "verifica" as verifying the story file. Understand "pensa" or "ricorda" or "medita" as thinking. Understand "rompi [art-det][something]" as attacking. Understand "compra [things]" or "compra [art-det][something]" as buying. Understand "imposta [something][a-art][text]" or "imposta [art-det][something][a-art][text]" as setting it to. Understand "regola [something][a-art][text]" or "regola [art-det][something][a-art][text]" as setting it to. Understand "scusa" or "scusati" as saying sorry. Understand "gusta [things]" or "gusta [art-det][something]" as tasting. Understand "assaggia [things]" or "assaggia [art-det][something]" as tasting. Understand "gira [things]" or "gira [art-det][something]" as turning. Understand "aspetta" as waiting. Understand "getta [things preferably held][a-art][something]" or "getta [art-det][something preferably held][a-art][something]" as throwing it at. Understand "lancia [things preferably held][a-art][something]" or "lancia [art-det][something preferably held][a-art][something]" as throwing it at. Understand "dai [things preferably held][a-art][someone]" or "dai [art-det][something preferably held][a-art][someone]" as giving it to. Understand "mostra [things preferably held] a [someone]" or "mostra [art-det][something preferably held][a-art][someone]" as showing it to. Understand "consulta [things][su-art][text]" or "consulta [art-det][something][su-art][text]" as consulting it about. Understand "cerca [in-art][things][di-art][text]" as consulting it about. Understand "leggi [in-art][things][di-art][text]" as consulting it about. [Visione] Understand "guarda [things]" or "guarda [art-det][something]" as examining. Understand "leggi [things]" or "leggi [art-det][something]" as examining. Understand "guarda dentro [things]" or "guarda dentro [art-det][something]" or "guarda [in-art][something]" as searching. Understand "esamina [things]" or "esamina [art-det][something]" or "x [things]" as examining. Understand "guarda" or "g" as looking. Understand "look" or "l" as looking. Understand "guarda sotto [art-det][something]" as looking under. Understand "guarda sotto [a-art][something]" as looking under. Understand "guarda sotto [things]" as looking under. Understand "guarda [su-art][something]" as examining. Understand "descrivi [art-det][something]" as examining. [Interazione Fisica] Understand "calcia [things]" or "calcia [art-det][something]" as attacking. Understand "accendi [things]" or "accendi [art-det][something]" as switching on. Understand "spegni [things]" or "spegni [art-det][something]" as switching off. Understand "spingi [things]" or "spingi [art-det][something]" as pushing. Understand "spingi [things][a-art][direction]" or "spingi [art-det][something][a-art][direction]" as pushing it to. Understand "tira [things]" or "tira [art-det][something]" as pulling. Understand "indossa [things]" or "indossa [art-det][something]" as wearing. Understand "metti [things]" or "metti [art-det][something]" as wearing. Understand "togliti [art-det][something]" as taking off. Understand "togli [things]" or "togli [art-det][something]" as taking off. Understand "lascia [things]" or "lascia [art-det][something]" as dropping. Understand "mostra [things] a [something]" or "mostra [art-det][something][a-art][something]" as showing it to. Understand "poggia [things] su/sopra [something]" or "poggia [art-det][something][su-art][something]" as putting it on. Understand "appoggia [things] su/sopra [something]" or "appoggia [art-det][something][su-art][something]" as putting it on. Understand "lascia [things] su/sopra [something]" or "lascia [art-det][something][su-art][something]" as putting it on. Understand "metti [things] su/sopra [something]" or "metti [art-det][something][su-art][something]" as putting it on. Understand "carica [things] su/sopra [something]" or "carica [art-det][something][su-art][something]" as putting it on. Understand "inserisci [things] in/dentro [something]" or "inserisci [art-det][something][in-art][something]" as inserting it into. Understand "metti [things] in/dentro [something]" or "metti [art-det][something][in-art][something]" as inserting it into. Understand "cerca in/dentro [something]" or "cerca dentro [art-det][something]" or "cerca [art-det][something]" as searching. Understand "cerca [in-art][something]" as searching. Understand "cerca [su-art][something]" as searching. Understand "perquisisci [art-det][something]" as searching. Understand "lega [things][a-art][something]" or "lega [art-det][something][a-art][something]" as tying it to. Understand "taglia [things]" or "taglia [art-det][something]" as cutting. Understand "pulisci [things]" or "pulisci [art-det][something]" as rubbing. Understand "strofina [things]" or "strofina [art-det][something]" as rubbing. [Dialoghi] Talking to is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "parla [something]" or "parla [con-art][something]" or "parla [a-art][something]" or "parla con [art-det][something]" as talking to. Check talking to (this is the can't talk to a non-person rule): if the noun is not a person, say "Non [regarding the player][puoi] parlare [ap the noun]." (A) instead. Check someone talking to (this is the other people can't talk to a non-person rule): if the noun is not a person, stop the action. Check an actor talking to (this is the talking to yourself rule): if the actor is the player and the noun is the player: say "[regarding the player][maiuscolo][Hai][maiuscolo] parlato a [te][stesso]." (A) instead; else if the actor is not the player and the noun is the actor: stop the action. Unsuccessful attempt by someone talking to while the reason the action failed is the talking to yourself rule: say "[The actor][hai] parlato a [te][stesso].". Report an actor talking to (this is the standard report talking to rule): say "[if the actor is the player]Non [regarding the player][else][The actor] non[end if][hai] niente da dire." (A). Understand "chiedi a [something] di [text]" as asking it about. Understand "chiedi [a-art][something][di-art][text]" as asking it about. Understand "chiedi [a-art][something] riguardo/circa [text]" as asking it about. Understand "parla [a-art][something][di-art][text]" as telling it about. Understand "parla [a-art][something] riguardo [text]" as telling it about. Understand "interroga [art-det][something] riguardo [art-det][text]" as telling it about. Understand "chiedi [a-art][something][di-art][text]" as telling it about. Understand "chiedi [a-art][something] riguardo [text]" as telling it about. Understand "chiedi [a-art][something][art-det][something]" as asking it for. Understand "chiedi [a-art][something][di-art][text]" as asking it about. Understand "chiedi [a-art][something] riguardo [text]" as asking it about. Understand "rispondi [a-art][someone][di-art][text]" as answering it that. Understand "rispondi [a-art][someone] riguardo [text]" as answering it that. [Chiavi] Understand "apri [things]" or "apri [art-det][something]" as opening. Understand "chiudi [things]" or "chiudi [art-det][something]" as closing. Understand "sblocca [things] con [something]" or "sblocca [art-det][something] con [art-det][something]" as unlocking it with. Understand "apri [things] con [something]" or "apri [art-det][something] con [art-det][something]" as unlocking it with. Understand "blocca [things] con [something]" or "blocca [art-det][something] con [art-det][something]" as locking it with. Understand "chiudi [things] con [something]" or "chiudi [art-det][something] con [art-det][something]" as locking it with. Understand "rimuovi [things] da [something]" or "rimuovi [art-det][something][da-art][something]" as removing it from. Understand "prendi [things] da [something]" or "prendi [art-det][something][da-art][something]" as removing it from. Understand "togli [things] da [something]" or "togli [art-det][something][da-art][something]" as removing it from. Understand "scarica [things] da [something]" or "scarica [art-det][something][da-art][something]" as removing it from. [Descrizioni] Understand "brevi" as preferring sometimes abbreviated room descriptions. [Inventario] Understand "inventario" or "inv" or "i" as taking inventory. [Movimento] Understand "vai [something]" or "vai a [something]" as going. Understand "scendi [da-art][something]" or "alzati [da-art][something]" as getting off. Understand "scendi" as exiting. Understand "esci" as exiting. Understand "sali [su-art][something]" as entering. Understand "salta [su-art][something]" as entering. Understand "entra [in-art][something]" as entering. Understand "siedi [su-art][something]" as entering. Understand "siediti [su-art][something]" as entering. Understand "sdraiati [su-art][something]" as entering. Understand "scala [something]" or "arrampicati [su-art][something]" or "scala [art-det][something]" as climbing. Understand "dentro" as inside. Understand "fuori" as outside. Understand "sinistra" as west. Understand "destra" as east. Understand "su" as up. Understand "giu" or "giù" as down. Understand "nord" or "n" as north. Understand "sud" or "s" as south. Understand "ovest" or "o" as west. Understand "est" or "e" as east. Understand "nordest" or "ne" as northeast. Understand "nordovest" or "nw" as northwest. Understand "sudovest" or "so" as southwest. Understand "sudest" or "se" as southeast. [Carica/Salva/Esci] Understand "punti" or "punteggio" as requesting the score. Understand "sipunti" or "sipunteggio" or "notifica" as switching score notification on. Understand "nopunti" or "nopunteggio" or "notifica off" as switching score notification off. Understand "salva" as saving the game. Understand "carica" as restoring the game. Understand "interrompi" or "smetti" or "q" as quitting the game. Understand "ricomincia" as restarting the game. Understand "versione" as requesting the story file version. [Direzioni] The printed name of north is "nord". The printed name of northeast is "nordest". The printed name of east is "est". The printed name of southeast is "sudest". The printed name of south is "sud". The printed name of southwest is "sudovest". The printed name of west is "ovest". The printed name of northwest is "nordovest". The printed name of up is "su". The printed name of down is "giù". The printed name of inside is "dentro". The printed name of outside is "fuori". [Sì/no] Understand "sì" or "si" as saying yes. Understand "no" as saying no. Part 4.3 - Command parser internals Include (- [ LanguageVerb i; switch (i) { 'i//','inv','inventario': print "inventario"; 'r//': print "revisionare"; 'x//': print "esaminare"; 'z//': print "aspettare"; 'v//': print "revisionare"; 'a//': print "aspettare"; '!//': print "dire"; '?//': print "domandare"; 'q//': print "uscire"; 'chiudere': print "chiudere"; 'sbloccare': print "sbloccare"; default: rfalse; } rtrue; ]; [ LanguageVerbLikesAdverb w; if (w == 'look' or 'go' or 'push' or 'walk') rtrue; rfalse; ]; [ LanguageVerbMayBeName w; if (w == 'long' or 'short' or 'normal' or 'brief' or 'full' or 'verbose') rtrue; rfalse; ]; -) instead of "Commands" in "Language.i6t". Include (- Constant AGAIN1__WD = 'ancora'; Constant AGAIN2__WD = 'an//'; Constant AGAIN3__WD = 'ancora'; Constant OOPS1__WD = 'oops'; Constant OOPS2__WD = 'oo//'; Constant OOPS3__WD = 'oops'; Constant UNDO1__WD = 'undo'; Constant UNDO2__WD = 'undo'; Constant UNDO3__WD = 'undo'; Constant ALL1__WD = 'ogni'; Constant ALL2__WD = 'ognuno'; Constant ALL3__WD = 'ognuna'; Constant ALL4__WD = 'qualsiasi'; Constant ALL5__WD = 'entrambi'; Constant AND1__WD = 'e'; Constant AND2__WD = 'e'; Constant AND3__WD = 'e'; Constant BUT1__WD = 'ma'; Constant BUT2__WD = 'eccetto'; Constant BUT3__WD = 'ma'; Constant ME1__WD = 'me'; Constant ME2__WD = 'me stesso'; Constant ME3__WD = 'stesso'; Constant OF1__WD = 'di'; Constant OF2__WD = 'di'; Constant OF3__WD = 'di'; Constant OF4__WD = 'di'; Constant OTHER1__WD = 'altri'; Constant OTHER2__WD = 'altro'; Constant OTHER3__WD = 'altra'; Constant THEN1__WD = 'allora'; Constant THEN2__WD = 'allora'; Constant THEN3__WD = 'allora'; Constant NO1__WD = 'n//'; Constant NO2__WD = 'no'; Constant NO3__WD = 'no'; Constant YES1__WD = 's//'; Constant YES2__WD = 'sì'; Constant YES3__WD = 'sì'; Constant AMUSING__WD = 'amusing'; Constant FULLSCORE1__WD = 'fullscore'; Constant FULLSCORE2__WD = 'full'; Constant QUIT1__WD = 'q//'; Constant QUIT2__WD = 'quit'; Constant RESTART__WD = 'restart'; Constant RESTORE__WD = 'restore'; -) instead of "Vocabulary" in "Language.i6t". Part - Other Extension Fixes Chapter - Glulx Entry Points (for use with Glulx Entry Points by Emily Short) Section - Debounce arrange events - unindexed (in place of Section - Debounce arrange events - unindexed in Glulx Entry Points by Emily Short) [ Gargoyle sends an arrange event while the user is dragging the window borders, but we really only want one event at the end. Debounce the arrange event to ignore the earlier ones. ] Arranging now in GEP is a truth state variable. Arranging now in GEP is false. First glulx input handling rule for an arrange-event while arranging now in GEP is false (this is the debounce arrange event rule): let ii be 0; [ for the I6 polling code to use ][FIXED variable 'i' changed to 'ii' to avoid conflict with italian article 'i'] let final return value be a number; let arrange again be true; [ Poll for further arrange events ] while 1 is 1: poll for events in GEP; if the current event number in GEP is 0: break; otherwise if the current glk event is an arrange-event: next; [ We have a different event ] otherwise: [ Run the arrange rules ] let temp event type be the current glk event; set the current glk event in GEP to an arrange-event; now final return value is the glulx input handling rules for an arrange event; set the current glk event in GEP to temp event type; now arrange again is false; now final return value is the value returned by glk event handling; break; [ Run the arrange rules if we didn't get another event type ] if arrange again is true: now final return value is the glulx input handling rules for an arrange event; [ Return values ] if final return value is input replacement: replace player input; if final return value is input continuation: require input to continue; rule fails; To decide what number is the glulx input handling rules for an arrange event: let final return value be a number; now arranging now in GEP is true; now final return value is the value returned by glk event handling; now arranging now in GEP is false; decide on final return value; To poll for events in GEP: (- glk_select_poll( gg_event ); for ( tmp_0 = 0 : tmp_0 < 3 : tmp_0++) { evGlobal-->tmp_0 = gg_event-->tmp_0; } -). To decide what number is the current event number in GEP: (- evGlobal-->0 -). To set the current glk event in GEP to (ev - a g-event): (- evGlobal-->0 = {ev}; -). Italian Language ends here.